Chapter 15

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Let's start...

At dinner, they ate the elk Joo-hyun's husband had hunted the day prior. Joo-hyun was unfortunately too drunk to eat dinner as she was sleeping in her chambers. "So Lisa, how did you end up being hired as a knight?" He asked.

"Well I was trained well by my father and I became a noticeable warrior in my hometown, years later the emperor reached out to me and my brother about this mission of protecting him and his wife Jennie. We took the job offer and here I am." The man smiled and nodded seemingly pleased with the answer.

"Do you hunt?" He asked. Lisa shook her head no and Jennie looked at her confused, she was sure her knight had told her she was taught how to hunt by her father. "What a shame. I will go out hunting with my friends in a couple of days again." The three adults continued to talk while the two teenagers listened in on their conversation.

They finished eating after having listened to Taehyung speak through most of the dinner, Jennie brought Lisa with her as she always did. They wandered the halls. "Why did you tell him you did not hunt?" She asked the younger woman out of curiosity.

"Because I did not want to hunt with him, I had a feeling he would ask me to join if I said I did."

Jennie laughed. "Oh, but that would be no problem, I would certainly make up an excuse for you if that is what you wished."

The two women stood in front of their doors.

"I will be taking a bath, I am still freezing from earlier." The older woman chuckled and nodded, she had to admit she was cold herself, they had been outside for hours and the temperature of the castle was no help. Jennie nodded and walked into her room. She watched as Lisa approached a maid, asking her to draw a warm bath for her. She closed her door and undressed. How nice it was to be able to sleep and do whatever she wanted in her room without worrying about having to please her husband's needs.

The older woman looked at her bare body in the mirror. She had worked hard to keep her body looking the same as when she was in her early twenties. All that for her husband whom she despised. The way she had been eating less and less throughout the years, she cannot remember the last time she felt full after eating. The woman wrapped a towel around herself and waited on her bed.

Jennie walked over to her door and opened it, she peeked out the hallway, no one was there so she took the chance to walk out and enter Lisa's room. She knocked on the bathroom door and heard a "Come in." She opened the door and smiled when she saw her knight in the bath, bubbles nearly spilling over the bath. She found it amusing how the young woman seemed to enjoy a bath with a lot of bubbles.

"May I join you in your bath?" Lisa blinked wondering if she had just heard that right. The woman wanted to join her in the bath? Naked?! She nodded. Jennie smiled and dropped her towel, She watched Lisa whose gaze had turned away from her at what seemed to be the speed of light, despite having her face turned she still noticed the red tint that had appeared on Lisa's face "It is okay to look." That was all she said before getting into the bath herself.

The water and some bubbles spilled over, but it was fine seeing how there was a drain right under the bath. The warm water soothed the empress's mind and body. She reached for the soap behind Lisa, their faces nearly touching. "You are quite the shy girl despite your hard appearance." The older woman returned to her original spot and made sure to use the soap in every crevice of her body.

"I-I am not shy, I am simply respecting the empress." She defended, and while that was not entirely true, she wanted to look but was too shy to do so.

"You are allowed to look, I told you that." The empress whispered with a sly smirk on her face. The young woman did not dare look up at the woman. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" Jennie asked, she was growing concerned over the way Lisa acted.

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