Chapter 6

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It didn't take much convincing for the king to agree to an alliance. He would say yes and their forces would be combined, he was also promised a chest of treasure. Their last full day in Rivalon was coming to an end and in the morning they would travel back. unfortunately, Rosie still had a cold and had not enjoyed the trip as much as she wanted to.

Lisa and Jennie had gotten closer the past days, they were both comfortable enough to speak of subjects that were on their minds. The empress found it comforting speaking to someone like-minded as her knight, for once her husband had done something that favored her.

Jong-in never came up in conversation when they spoke, The empress wondered if Lisa still had the same opinions about her husband as before, she must have seen the way he talks and acts by now has she not? Jennie thought to herself. Lisa had not asked about her and her husband's relationship either. Of course, they were married, but that did not mean they were on good terms. The younger woman did however have some questions she wanted answers to but did not want to ask the woman about potentially sensitive topics.

Jennie knocked on her knight's door. A maid answered it.

"The lady is having a bath, your highness." She bowed and excused herself. The empress walked into Lisa's empty room. She stood still and listened to the slight sound of movement in water. She had no desire to sneak around the woman's room and decided to knock on the door to her washroom.

"Come in." She heard from the other side of the door, Jennie opened it and watched Lisa lay in the bath with bubbles covering her frame.

"Oh, Miss! W-was there something you wanted?" The younger woman asked nervously. Jennie studied her for a couple of seconds, it seemed like she was surprised
and embarrassed that the empress had walked in on her bathing, she was likely expecting the maid that had been there earlier. The older woman avoided her knight's gaze, she was growing nervous herself.

"No...Well- I mean I had trouble sleeping." Her knight nodded in understanding, she was glad the bubbles covered her body from being exposed, or else she would be embarrassed.

"Your hair is pretty when it is down, in Khougon Everyone has dark hair, yours is the lightest I've seen." The younger woman spoke, letting herself speak from her mind. It was bold to tell the empress such a thing, was complimenting the empress's appearance going too far? "Thank you, your hair looks pretty when it is down too." She complimented back making Lisa more sure about herself.

They stood in silence for a couple of awkward seconds. "I suppose I should go back." She opened the door, but was stopped when she heard a sudden word coming from the younger woman's mouth, she was rather bold when she told her to "Stay." It was as if her knight demanded her to stay, she had never been spoken to in that way before, not after becoming the empress anyway.

Jennie turned around to watch the slightly panicked face of the younger woman. She had recognized her mistake which made the empress pleased, "My apologies, I meant to ask you to stay, you just came and surely you are not tired yet right?" She asked.

Jennie chuckled and walked closer to the younger woman's tub until she was sitting at the edge of it. "You are right, I suppose I can stay for a while longer if that is what you wish." A small smirk left the woman's lips, but only for a second.

"Yes, I would like you to stay Miss, I find you interesting to talk to."

"I feel the same." The older woman replied. She watched the slowly disappearing bubbles and made a mental note to leave before they all disappeared completely. She touched a bubble and it popped. "Do you enjoy bathing Lisa?" She asked.

"Yes?" The younger woman replied an odd question she thought.

"At the lake?"

"No miss."

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