Chapter 19

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Emperor Jong-in had received a rather interesting letter from the resistance. They had asked him to retire and give the throne to someone else, of course, he would never do that but he also had to make sure Jennie was safe. They claimed she was alive, but how would he know?

He wrote a letter back to them demanding them to prove that Jennie was in fact alive. He gave it to a man, the same man who had given him the letter

The latter was sent to the resistance and Jennie heard chatter from outside of her room again, they were discussing what they would do to prove she was alive.

A man from the resistance was sent to tell the emperor that he was allowed to send a knight, that would prove that Jennie was alive. They seemed to all agree on that and sent the messenger back.

Lisa was sent to the place where Jennie was supposedly staying. She had been blindfolded, she had attempted to count the steps the horse took and perhaps track back to where it was, but it was impossible. Her memory was not good enough to remember all the turns.

The knight was pushed onto a wall and her blindfold was taken off, a big man stood in front of her, he was taller and bigger than her, and she felt threatened by his stance and the look he was giving her. She was pushed into the room Jennie was chained up.

The older woman seemed sick, she was pale. The knight kneeled down and took her face in her hands.

"Jennie, are you alright? Are you sick?" She asked, her eyebrows were knitted in concern. She shook her head and finally let her eyes meet Lisa's. Oh, how nice it was to see a familiar face and a beautiful one at that.

"Are you here for me?" She asked.

The young woman nodded. "I was sent to confirm you are alive, but I am afraid I cannot take you with me, not until the emperor resolves this issue." Jennie nodded, she understood that very well. Lisa would never be able to fight that many people.

"I have missed you," Jennie whispered, her throat was dry and sore, it hurt to speak and it hurt to swallow. All she wanted after seeing Rosie dead was to grieve alone, but now all she wanted was to be comforted by Lisa, let the young woman reassure her that everything would be fine and that Rosie was in a better place. She needed the woman's touch and affection, the act of caring. It was truly sickening how she was being treated by people whom she managed to anger simply by being married to Jong-in.

"This room is too cold for you," Lisa spoke, she was visibly irritated by how the woman was being treated. She was concerned for her, very concerned. The big man entered the room.

"You can see that she is alive, now get out." He pushed her out of the room, she took a quick look back at the woman whose head had already turned down again.


"Now... What happened?" Jong-in asked.

"She is alive, but she is chained up in a cold room, she is pale and seems weak. I fear she might be sick." The young woman spoke.

"Great God, those bastards!" He yelled. She watched the man clench his jaw and fists. "I am at a loss for what to do." He mumbled. Lisa was too so she had nothing to reassure him with. The eyes of the two siblings locked, they both shared the same face of concern. Her brother had no clue how close the two were and did not know how much this situation affected her.

"Come up with something to save her." The knight nodded. Why did he put all the responsibility on her? Perhaps to have someone to blame if Jennie was not returned.

Lisa found herself in the city, she had grown accustomed to the stares of the people at that point. She had looked through every corner of the city. It all felt pointless and hopeless. She was in an alley. Hearing footsteps behind her she drew her spear and pointed it at the masked man who had approached her from behind. He put his finger on the tip and pushed it aside. " I know where she is, but I require something in return for that information." He smirked.

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