Chapter 30.

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After 8 Years......

Jennie and Lisa sat by the lake with their pet cat. Their daughter had begged to take it in after seeing it alone outside their house as a kitten. He did not seem to have any home so the right thing was to take him home and feed him.

Ella was playing in the water, she had learned how to swim from her mother who was afraid of water, but more afraid of her daughter drowning. The two mothers looked out for their daughter while talking amongst themselves. "Would you like to spend the entire evening and night with me tonight, alone? And use these." She took out something from her pocket and showed it to Jennie, it was a handful of a certain plant they were both quite familiar with. The plant was used as a contraceptive, it worked wonders for them.

"And where will Ella go?" Jennie asked.

Lisa smirked. "My brother and his wife, of course, I am sure they won't mind." She nodded. It had been a while since they had a night for themselves.

Ella came running towards them with rocks in her hand, she collected rocks that she thought looked pretty. "look." She spoke in Khougonian as she showed a white rock to her mothers. Lisa took it in her hand and examined it. "A beautiful rock," Lisa replied.

"Go find one for me too," Jennie spoke in Khougonian too, she had eight years to learn it, she was not the best, but understood most of it. Of course, when she spoke it, it did not sound as good as someone who had it as their mother language. She was glad she stayed in Khougon.

Their love had not died out, it was the best decision in both their lives to live there and be with each other. Lisa was right, no one had tried to hurt them for being two women in a relationship, some did not seem to care at all, and some were still nice to them, kind people.

Ella went to look for more rocks in the water, their cat following after. He did not like water but was happy to accompany their child. Haruto and his wife Jae accompanied the two women, their son who was 5 years old also followed after. The married couple had another child on the way as well, she was 6 months pregnant.

Despite the small age difference between the two cousins they were good friends. Ella had gotten plenty of friends around the town. The young girl looked more like Lisa than Jennie, both her eyes and hair were dark like Lisa, though her hair was lighter than the Khougonian woman. The older woman did not mind, she was simply happy she had a child of her own.

"We were wondering if you would like to have Ella tonight, Jennie and I wish to have a night to ourselves," Lisa spoke to his brother as they watched their children play in the water. He sighed but nodded. She would return the favor later anyway. "Thank you. How are you?" She asked the man's wife. She was a beautiful woman and the same age as them. She was kind to everyone.

"I am fine, the baby too. We should meet up and have a chat someday, just the two of us." She smiled. It had been a while since they got to talk, they had formed a good relationship with each other, there was almost a sisterly bond between them. They enjoyed spending time with each other and talking about whatever they wished to talk about.

"I agree." Lisa answered.

"Where are you taking Jennie?" She asked. Lisa eyed the woman and whispered to her friend what she had planned for the night. She knew the woman would like it and she hoped it was romantic enough. They would occasionally have an evening to themselves where they did something romantic for each other, Jennie had done it last when they went on a nice picnic.

Ella came with more rocks in her hands for her mother. Jennie took it and thanked the girl after giving a quick kiss on her forehead. She wanted her daughter to feel as loved and appreciated as possible. "Will you be fine being with uncle and aunt today?" Jennie asked the girl. She brushed off the remaining sand from the small dress. The girl nodded, she walked over to her aunt and sat down on her lap. "What is for dinner?" She asked.

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