Chapter 27

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Lisa found Jennie lying in bed, drawing on a small piece of paper. She was laying on her stomach and smiling when she noticed the young woman's presence. She looked at what was being drawn, a small portrait of her. She laid down beside her and watched the delicate hands move the pencil from side to side while she was shading the piece.

She finished it and handed the paper to her lover. Lisa thanked her and smiled at how accurate the drawing was. She never stopped being amazed at the sheer talent the woman held. Perhaps she could impress her parents that way and leave a good impression. "Thank you, it is beautiful."

"That is because it is a drawing of you." The woman flirted, Lisa chuckled and hugged the woman."I have not asked you before, but what is your opinion on our age difference? Would you not rather be with someone close to your own age?"

"I don't care, because I love you. Your age does not define you as a person or determine how much I love and care for you."

The older woman smiled. "You are good with words. I love you too." She snuggles up in the strong arms of Lisa. She loved lovely moments like that, nothing topped a good time with Lisa. They laid there for a while, enjoying each other's presence until they decided to go outside for a bit. There was not much to do on the ship that was for sure, but the view outside was nice.


Night finally came and they both turned in for the night, they heard singing and yelling from outside the ship. The pirates were having a good time with ale and food and the two decided to stay inside for some privacy and quiet.

The two women put on their sleepwear, and Lisa was cuddling Jennie from behind. Oh, how nice it felt to have someone to hold when you slept. The sounds of the pirates however kept them both awake.

Jennie began moving her bottom and grinding herself on the young woman who was oblivious to what the woman was doing at first until Lisa understood and felt her bottom grind against her groin. She grabbed the woman's hip and let her continue what she was doing. Lisa began meeting her hips, thrusting against the woman to receive more friction.

Her pants tightened in her crotch area after a while and she was ready to feel Jennie's touch once again. The older woman also felt the hard member pressing against her bottom. She turned around and smirked at Lisa. "Have I excited you? It would be cruel of me to not touch you now would it not?" The young woman nodded.

Jennie sat up and began unbuttoning the pants, she did not even bother removing them before taking a hold of her hard cock and letting it free from the pants and underwear. Lisa still felt the embarrassment of being exposed to Jennie in that way, but the feeling always left whenever the blonde would touch it.

Lisa extended her hand to touch the woman's thigh, it was warm and soft. Her hand traveled from her thigh to her hips and to the side of her stomach, she took notice of the lack of underwear and bit her lip. She wanted to remove her dress and see her fully naked as she had weeks ago. They let their lips connect while they both found it impossible to keep their hands away from each other.

Lisa became visibly aroused and would desperately try to undress the woman who laughed at her attempt. She put her thumb on the young woman's lips and smiled. "Relax, I will take it off." She removed the nightgown in seconds and was fully exposed to the young warrior.

"You are beautiful." She spoke as she ran her hand up to the woman's stomach all the way to her breast. Jennie chuckled at Lisa's words and expression. She felt beautiful and appreciated whenever she would look at her like that.

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