Chapter 16

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Sorry for delay 🥺

Lisa smiled to herself as she remembered last night's events. Jennie's behavior was unlike anything she had seen before. The woman's libido was much higher than she expected. It seemed like the night would never end.

She turned around to see  latter woman's face hidden behind the messy hair Lisa moved the hair to take a good look at the woman's sleeping face. soft features seemed softer than usual. She wrapped an arm around the slim woman and kissed her bare shoulder while bringing her closer to her. She felt a hand grab hers and a sweet kiss on it. Jennie opened her eyes and turned around to face Lisa. "Good morning." She smiled.

"Morning." Jennie reached for something on her side of the bed. She pressed it against Lisa's lips and the young woman opened and tasted it. It was a mint, Jennie put it in her mouth too and smiled at Lisa. The older woman went in for a hug.

"Are you still ticklish there?" her lips pressed against Lisa's throat. Of course she responded the same way as she always did and pushed she woman's lips away from her.

"You need to stop doing that." Lisa groaned which got a chuckle out of the woman.

"Last night... It was the best night of my life. I have never felt so good before. You are quite a bit girthier than Jong-in, but around the same length I would say."

"Jennie please, may we not speak of your husband..." Jennie laughed and kissed the younger woman. "What I was trying to say, you were amazing. I loved every second of it and I hope you did too."

"I did too, you have quite the vulgar mouth during such activities."

Jennie huffed and pressed her finger against Lisa's lips "Shh, we do not talk about that. An empress is not supposed to use such language." The knight smiled and nodded. She watched the woman stretch and sit up in bed.

"I did not bring any clothes to your room last night, please be so kind and pick a dress for me." Lisa nodded and got out of bed with the sheets wrapped around her frame, she was most definitely not confident enough to walk around bare while the woman was there.

While Lisa was in the bathroom Jennie stretched again and looked around the room, it was similar to her own. She thought of the things they had done in that very bed, how long they had been going. She was impressed by how long Lisa could last until she fell asleep. She was suprised by herself, not ever had she been so aroused to the point it took multiple orgasms to satisfy her needs.

The sheets were dirty and so were the towels, they had been used to clean everything Lisa had put inside her. The thought of what it felt like being filled up to the brim with Lisa got her aroused. She rubbed her thighs together making enough friction for it to feel good until her hand slid down to her clit. she bit her lip and began rubbing. She had never done anything like that before, she had always felt guilty doing so. Touching yourself was not exactly something society deemed okay. The aftermath of the day before still lingered in her body. her fingers moved until an orgasm washed over her. She smiled in satisfaction and laid flat on her back in bed.

Lisa came out of the door fully clothed right after Jennie was done. The young woman walked up to her with a concerned face. "Your face is a little red, have you gotten sick?" She asked as her hand touched the woman's forehead. It was a bit warm, but not feverish woman's forehead. It was a bit warm, but not feverish warm.

"I am fine." The woman replied looking away from Lisa in embarrassment. She hummed in response and kissed Jennie's forehead.

"Alright, I will go get you some clothing." She left the room and Jennie laid down in bed again, she rolled over to Lisa's side and smelled the pillow, it smelled just like Lisa. She hugged the pillow and the corners of her mouth subconsciously turned upwards.

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