Chapter 13

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The bag was packed and her weapons were secured on her body. She lifted her bag and walked downstairs to where the carriage was. Jennie was already sitting inside it. She handed her bag to the man who was going to ride the carriage and went inside with Jennie. It was very cozy inside, the windows had small curtains that they could close if they wanted more privacy.

The first thing Jennie did when the horses started to move was close the curtains and gave a chaste kiss on the younger woman's lips. "I believe we will be having a great time at my sister's. What do you think?" She asked.

"I think so too, but I will miss Haruto." The empress gave her a sympathetic smile and rubbed her knee to comfort her. "But I am fine, I enjoy spending my time with you," Lisa confessed. It made the older woman happy because she felt the same way.

Most of the trip was uneventful, at night they would set up a tent and sleep in there. It was cold, but the fireplace helped a lot. On the last day of their trip however, they thought they had managed to get away from the resistance. The soldiers that guarded them had made sure no one followed them, but not good enough because the next thing they knew-an arrow flew right through the window of the carriage. Jennie and Lisa were shocked, both had wide eyes as they looked at the arrow that had just missed Lisa's head.

Lisa pushed Jennie's head down and made her sit on the floor of the carriage. "Keep your head down." the young woman spoke as she listened to the fight that occurred outside. She was unsure if she was going to go outside or stay inside and protect the empress there. She looked at the older woman who seemed to have read her mind. She held onto Lisa's arm and shook her head. The knight stayed as her empress has wished.

Someone opened the door to the carriage and Lisa put her spear against their throat, but when she noticed it was just a soldier and not one of the resistance she removed her spear from the poor frightened man. "All of them are dead your highness, unfortunately, we are only two soldiers left. What shall we do with the horses?" He asked. They were originally fifteen so most of them had been killed. The older woman sighed.

"Tie some rope around them and let them follow. Mark this location on your map to retrieve the bodies of the dead men." The man nodded and shut the door.

"I will never get peace from the resistance, they will follow me no matter where we are. I will have to hide at my sister's home too."

"They might just be a group that followed us, but yes we should be cautious."

The older woman closed the curtains and hugged herself, Lisa switched sides and sat beside Jennie. She put her arms around the woman and comforted her in the best way possible by sharing her warmth and embrace for the woman to feel.

Hours later and they were close to Joo-hyun's manor. They were met with more soldiers that made sure they came to the manor safely which they did. They were now outside the courtyard of the manor. The empress got out first, showing nothing but professionalism as she elegantly walked up to the door where the door was opened for her. Lisa followed after. Two maids greeted them. "I wish for my knight to have a room beside mine." Jennie spoke to the maid who nodded and bowed at the "almighty" empress.

"Aunty." The two women's attention turned to the girl who stood at the top of the stairs, the girl's tone was flat which probably meant she was not excited to see her 'aunty' Lisa assumed she was the daughter of Jennie's sister. "Hello, Erin, where is your mother?" She asked. The girl shrugged and walked upstairs again. The empress mumbled something to herself that Lisa didn't pick up.

"She is in the lounge, your highness." The maid answered. "Thank you," Jennie replied and smiled at the maid who seemed to be a nervous wreck; who wouldn't be when meeting the empress of the region they lived in. The woman who had power over 5 kingdoms combined. Both Lisa and Jennie walked into the lounge where a woman was sitting, with long black hair just like Jennie.

Her sister looked up and a wide smile appeared on her face when she noticed it was her sister who stood in the doorway, she walked over and gave Jennie a big, tight hug. "Oh, how I've missed you, Jennie." The older sister looked very similar to the empress, Lisa was sure she would not know which was which from behind. It seemed like Jennie was slightly taller than her older sister though.

"And you, you must be her knight? Lisa correct?" She asked. She offered her hand to me and I took it. We shook hands and I smiled. "Yes, correct. Nice to meet you, miss." Lisa was unsure how the empress's sister wanted to be addressed so she went with the safest title.

"A woman in armor, not something I have seen before." She walked around Lisa studying the young woman who decided to straighten her back. The last thing she wanted to be judged for was her posture.

"Me neither, but she is great, speaking of which you can take off the armor while we are here. There is no need for it." Jennie whispered to her knight. Lisa walked away to go to her room and change leaving the two sisters behind.

"I heard what happen on the way, they are not joking around, are they? I did not think they were that big of a around, are they? I did not think they were that big of a problem." Jennie's head started to ache just thinking of that incident, she noticed how much she needed this 'vacation.' Away from everything.

"Yes, they are a big threat to us, hopefully, they are not lurking around here." Joo-hyun nodded. She understood her sister's concerns, she was concerned herself. Could the resistance go as far as to target the family of the empress and emperor? Hopefully not.

The two sisters had a lot to talk about and they did. Jennie spoke of what she had experienced the last year and what had happened, it was an eventful year, to say the least.

After Lisa changed to normal clothing she was met by the girl that had been on the stairs before. She glared at the older woman as if she despised her. "what?" The knight asked.

"You look like a man, and you look filthy."

"Wearing male clothes does not make me look like a man and I am not filthy," Lisa defended herself. The young girl had managed to irritate her.

"I did not say you were filthy I said you look filthy and you should not speak to someone with much higher class than you like that, it is rude and distasteful." Lisa just glared at the girl and walked past her. She walked past a mirror and checked herself out making sure this Erin girl did not see. "I do not look filthy," Lisa mumbled to herself. She had even put on a nice belt for her slacks.

The knight walked back downstairs to where Jennie and her sister were talking. "Oh, Taehyung? He is always outside, so you will not see much of him at your stay." She listened to the conversation before she was noticed by Jennie. "Come sit." The empress spoke as she moved a pillow to get more space for her knight, it was plenty of space, but They could not sit so close to each other when other people were present.

Not much happened that day, Jennie felt exhausted so she fell asleep on the couch. "It seems like Jennie was tired."

"Indeed, she has had a rough couple of days, I hope she will get the rest she has needed for a long time," Lisa replied. She looked down at the woman whose legs were resting on Lisa's thighs.

"I hope so too, unfortunately, she is not sleeping in her bed. It would be much better for her than this rough hard sofa."

Lisa stood up from the couch and brought Jennie in her arms. "I can take her to her room, no problem." She smiled and looked down at the beautiful woman. It seemed like she was half asleep seeing how her arms wrapped around Lisa. "She likes you hm?" Joo-hyun asked as she took notice of how close the two seemed to be.

"Yes, I am her protector, after all, I spend a lot of time with her."

She was dismissed before she walked over to Jennie's room. The fireplace was turned on so there was plenty of warmth. She looked down at the woman in bed. She thought of changing the clothes for the woman, but that would wake the woman up completely and she might not wish to be seen in only her undergarments. She decided to let the woman sleep in the clothes she had used that day.

To be continue..........

Posted on: 22 Apr 2024

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