Chapter 10

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Bonus part Enjoy 😉


It did not take long for a very angry Rosie to approach the empress. Jennie was busy sorting out the books in the library while her knight wandered around taking the huge room in while taking quick glances at the woman. "Jennie," Rosie said sternly. The older woman turned to look at the young girl who had called her name. "Yes, Rosie?"

The young girl looked at the knight who was watching the two women. "I wish to speak to you...In private." Jennie turned to her knight and nodded making sure Lisa understood that she was to stay while Jennie went to talk with Rosie. The maid opened the door for the empress despite being furious at her.

"Why would you do that? What is your end goal in separating me and Jisoo?" The girl asked, her voice cracked nearly on the verge of tears. It had not even been a day, yet she missed her lover so much. Jennie took in the emotions Rosie displayed for her.

"I have many reasons, do you wish for me to say them all?" She asked. The girl nodded knowing if she said a word she would start crying. They had been together for roughly six months, but God did she love Jisoo. She thought the empress would understand that. "It is unprofessional, It is inappropriate considering your age and you are two women."

"Since when did you start caring for such things? You have never been one to spew such conservative rubbish. And you married Jong-in at the age of fifteen, he was what? Twenty-six?" The older woman flinched at the mention of her marriage. The girl knew what she felt about it and she was sure the girl mentioned it just to hurt her. The maid continued to speak seeing how the older woman was not replying. "You and Lisa."

Jennie's attention snapped back to Rosie. "You know my marriage was arranged, why would you bring that up? Do you not think I know that marriage was inappropriate?" Jennie finally snapped. Before the younger girl could argue back the woman made sure to speak before she could mutter another word out. "Not only that you have been spreading rumors of me bedding Lisa? You have disappointed me greatly Rosie, Jisoo told me you were mature, but it is clear that you are not. I will make sure you never speak to that woman again!." Jennie stormed out of the room and back to the library. It took all her willpower not to throw or break something on her way.

Jennie sat on the sofa hugging herself. It was clear to Lisa that the empress was upset. She approached the older woman. "Are you alright Miss?"

The older woman gritted her teeth before replying. "Just...shut up." Her knight was taken aback, not used to the older woman speaking to her in that tone. Whatever it was that she and Rosie had talked about must have upset the woman a lot. "Go to your brother, I wish to be alone," Jennie said after a minute of silence.

Lisa was hesitant, unsure if it was a good idea to leave the woman alone, but it was an order, and even if she wanted to stay she had no other choice. She dismissed herself and went to her brother.

"Why are you here?" Jong-in asked the female knight.

"Jennie sent me here, she wanted to be alone," Lisa replied. The man knew something was wrong when his wife wanted to be alone, she was upset about something. He had gotten her a knight for a reason, not for her to just dismiss the woman whenever she pleased, he needed to discuss this with his wife and tell her how important it is to have her knight by her side at all times.

"Well that is illogical on my wife's side, you need to go back and do your job. Tell her I sent you back if she asks." Lisa nodded and walked back to the library, for once she agreed with the man that it would be better to go back and protect the woman. "why are you back?" The older woman asked sounding fed up with her knight.

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