Chapter 24

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Night had come and the empress was standing outside of her knight's room. She knew what she needed to do, there was no other way. She knocked once and waited impatiently for the door to open which it did seconds later.

She stormed into the room, locked the door, and sat down on Lisa's bed. The young woman was visibly confused but decided to sit down beside her lover and listen to what she had to say. "What is wrong?" She asked.

Jennie slowly turned to face Lisa. "I must leave this place. If I stay here I will face severe punishment for what I have done."

"Relax, what have you done?" The woman shook her head and sighed, her upper body rested on the bed and her eyes scanned the ceiling of the dimly lit room.

"I am pregnant, I won't try to deny it anymore. I must leave before it shows."

"How are you sure?"

"I just am, trust me this is not like the last time I believed I was pregnant, now it is certain." Her feet touched the floor again and she started pacing back and forth in the room. Where would she go? How would she live? All alone? No, she wanted to be with Lisa, she wanted to raise it with her. "I must make a plan." She mumbled while she looked through the cabinets for ink and paper.

Strong arms wrapped around the woman stopping her from going through more of the young woman's things. "You need to relax. Are you not taking the medication you were given?" The woman shook her head. She was afraid it could affect the pregnancy and would not take the risk.

"I need the baby to be healthy." She replied.

"The baby," Lisa repeated, those words left a
bittersweet taste in her mouth. If Jennie was pregnant with her child she would need to be responsible for a whole new human. She never thought she would have one on her own, so now that she did she felt panicked. She was not at all prepared for what was to come, luckily for her, she had months of waiting.

"What are you looking for?" The young woman asked.

"Quill, ink and paper. I will find them in my paint room." She hurried off to the room Lisa was very familiar with now. Mind you it was the middle of the night so no one else except for a couple of guards stood in the hallways. One seemed visibly confused by her presence, but decided not to question it further as the last thing he wanted was to anger or irritate the empress.

The room was cold as ice, it had not been used therefore no one was there to heat up the room. Jennie found the tools she needed to write the plan and sat down. "Alright, I need to make a plan." She repeated. She wrote down 'plan' And used it as the title of the paper.

"Will we stay together, Would we raise it together?" Lisa asked, she looked over Jennie's shoulder and watched the woman write. Jennie turned to gaze at the woman.

"I assume we would, would you want to raise a child with me? This must be very unexpected for you."

"Of course it is, I never expected to have a lover in the first place." Jennie's mouth turned downwards and brought the young woman to her lap, she hugged her tightly. Expecting to never find love or a lover was sad to hear, Lisa deserved so much more.

"This is odd," Lisa spoke after a couple of minutes of silence.

"What is? That you are sitting in my lap?" She smiled and held Lisa closer to herself.


"But you are my little sweetheart, I should hold you like this every day." She grabbed the young woman's cheek and began kissing it repeatedly. Lisa was such a sweetheart and so kissable too!

"Little? We are the same height." The older woman chuckled and let go of Lisa. "And to answer your question, yes I would want to raise the child with you, but I will warn you I will likely not know what I am doing half of the time." Jennie smiled and took the young woman's hands in hers.

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