Chapter 29

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"I have something to say." Lisa saw the woman visibly gulp, she was sure she knew what the topic was going to be. All the attention was on Lisa.

Lisa cleared her throat and looked between her parents. "I want a child, a child that is mine." She spoke, the parents seemed visibly confused at her words, perhaps they had never spoken about children before now

"Your own, as in your blood?" Her father asked and Lisa nodded in response. She grew nervous and embarrassed at the conversation, The young woman asked her brother to stay outside and he did. Only she and Jennie were there now.

"That would not be possible." Her mother said.

"Yes, it would. I can have a baby with another woman." Lisa straightened her back and waited for her parent's reaction to what she had just said, it was unheard of a woman being with another woman, let alone have a child with her.

"What are you saying Lisa?" The mother asked.

"I am saying, I wish for a child on my own and it would have to be with a woman for that to work. What would you think of that?" She asked. The two parents were silent, they then turned their attention to Jennie, perhaps they were figuring out what exactly was going on or they were simply too confused.

"You wish to be in a relationship with a woman, have a baby with her, and then grow a family together?" He asked. Lisa nodded. she did not dare look at her parents, but Jennie did and she saw frowns on both their faces. Not the reaction she had hoped to receive. The room was silent. Haruto listened in from the other room, he hoped his parents would go along with the idea.

Jennie was visibly uncomfortable, she'd rather be beside Haruto and listen in, but Lisa was her lover and she cared for her enough to stay by her side and give her some form of comfort and reassurance. "I will give you grandchildren." Lisa continued.

"You already have someone that you wish to bare your children." Her father stated It was not a question, but a matter of fact. It did not take long for the parents to glance over at Jennie again, who tried her best to compose herself through the heat and the tension of the situation.

The younger woman cleared her throat to keep the attention away from Jennie.

"Yes, I have." She replied. Her mother began crying and she left the room quickly, the father following after. Jennie pinched the bridge of her nose, this was not at all how she wanted it to go.

Lisa mumbled a couple of curse words. "I-" She started, but was unsure of what to say.

"That did not go well," Jennie said. The other woman nodded. She was unsure what her parents thought of her now and she feared they would disown her. The two waited in silence until her father entered the room again, he sighed and sat down.

"We need time." He spoke while he looked between the both of them.

"Is she..." He trailed off nodding towards Jennie.

"I am." The woman replied, she was unsure what he had asked, but either way it had something to about their relationship. the two women held hands for the man to see, and he kept an emotionless face. Lisa knew his father well enough that that face meant he did not want to show them how he felt about it.

"I will talk to your mother. Show her around." That was the cue to leave the two alone. Lisa sighed and got up with Jennie. The brother followed them.

"I will talk to them," Haruto told his sister. She was sure his words would not change her parent's minds, but she suppose it was better than nothing.

"What will happen when the town finds out?" Jennie asked. In her homeland, she would of course be hanged, but this was an entirely new region. Lisa had never seen anyone like that except for herself so she was unsure what would happen. She shrugged.

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