Chapter 25

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Jennie had planned most of her escape with Lisa and her brother. She had decided to sneak down to the shore with Lisa. The ship they had sailed with before was the only way out, they would sail to Khougon. The woman was sure the captain could be trusted with enough payment.

The captain had asked for a chest full of treasure as payment, it would be a very long boat trip, but it would be faster than horse and carriage. Jennie being the empress could provide that chest of treasure, she would bring a couple of chests for herself as well, they needed something to live off of, and going empty-handed would simply not do. Two full chests of treasure would provide them with a comfortable lifestyle for the rest of their lives and the child's life.

Two guards guarded the treasure room at all times, so somehow the two women needed to get three or four chests full of treasure out of that room without any guard growing suspicious which was easy enough seeing how she was the empress and could order them away.

The treasure was heavy and needed to be lifted by three people, that is where Haruto becomes useful. He will help the two women carry the treasure out to a carriage. That would be the hardest part of the job.

The empress needed to make sure her husband did not come for her, she needed him to stay away from the twins and khougon, but how? That she had yet to figure out, she had asked Lisa for advice but she had not come up with something either. "This is quite stressful, I will admit that."

"Yes, I agree." The young woman was slumped down on the sofa, a knife in hand that she would play with while Jennie sat by her desk writing up more ideas for an easy escape. An hour or so passed until she decided she had enough and would rather do something else. They had some time, it did not need to be done in one day.

She noticed Lisa's closed eyes, steady breath, and the knife laying on the floor with her hand hanging from the sofa. Jennie stroked the young woman's dark hair and grinned to herself. What a nice sight, she thought. She decided to let her sleep for a while.

The woman walked to find her husband, not to speak with him but rather with Haruto. She needed to explain the plan to him seeing how he was a big part of it and she was sure he was sick of having to stay beside Jong-in all day for all these months. He was found by the entrance of the castle, her husband was looking out of the window. "What are you doing?" She asked the man.

"The resistance has been very quiet lately, don't you think?" He asked. He was right, she had not heard a word nor seen a single member of them since she was rescued. Were they planning something big? That was yet another reason why it was a good idea to leave fast, she did not want to stay and see what lead to this quiet time.

"I suppose, they might be planning something, we should be careful. May I borrow Haruto for a minute?"

The man turned to his wife with squinted eyes. "Why?" He asked.

"A couple of words about his sister is all." Jong-in looked between the two but nodded. He of course was suspicious of any man Jennie was with or had contact with. He was possessive of his wife and wanted her all to himself. If he ever found out his wife had an affair with another man he did not know what to do with it, but he knew he would be furious.

Haruto followed Jennie to the library where no one was in sight. "Can I trust you Haruto?" She asked. He nodded immediately.

"Are you sure? This is a secret only Lisa knows and if my husband finds out, not only will I- but you and perhaps your sister will face punishment, a severe one. Do NOT tell Jong-in about this, do you understand?" She asked. She would not announce her pregnancy just yet, but she would tell him about the plan of escaping.

"Yes, I understand completely."

"Good... Lisa and I have planned to move to Khougon together as I am not happy here and another reason I will not discuss with you before we are sailing on the sea. But I need your help in a couple of nights, just pack your belongings and get ready. We will leave in a couple of days."

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