Chapter 12

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A week had passed, and Jennie sensed that Lisa was getting tired of posing for the picture, but now that she was almost done she did not need to sit still anymore, all she needed was to get the texture right and such so Lisa was allowed to move around the room freely while the older woman observed her clothes.

The incident with the maids was in the past and nothing else had occurred with the maids. She had to admit she missed speaking to Rosie, they were such good friends before all of that. She had thought that it was Lisa's fault but quickly got rid of that thought in her head, it was not her knight's fault it was her own and Jisoo's. Maybe she should not have been so harsh, but at the same time, Jisoo had polluted the girl's mind with sexual desires for women. She was young, how would she know she enjoyed women in that way? For her safety, it would be best to keep them separated.

"Jennie, are you all right?" The knight asked, the empress had still not gotten used to the way her knight used her name instead of some formal title, she enjoyed the way her name rolled off of Lisa's tongue and pretty lips. "Yes, I was simply thinking."

"Of what?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." Jennie smiled reassuringly, but her knight was not having it that day. She wanted to know what was happening in the empress's life while she was not there, it appeared like she and Rosie did not speak to each other anymore, she wanted to know why. "I needn't worry, but I would like to know." Jennie arched her brow taking Lisa's statement as a challenge.

"I do not doubt you would Lisa." She replied as she continued to paint. She hoped that would be enough for the younger woman to take a hint and not ask more of it. "It is all cleared up now anyway, I prefer to focus on the present and future instead of the past," She chimed in. "Why are you and Rosie not speaking?"

"We had a disagreement, she will come around eventually." The younger woman shook her head at Jennie's stubbornness and walked behind her to watch the painting. The woman stopped painting and looked behind her where her knight was standing. "When I told you you could walk around the room, I meant in front of me where I don't need to turn my head to look at you."

"Apologises Miss, I did not know you found me so interesting to look at." She teased. Jennie rolled her eyes but smiled at the words of the younger woman. She stood up and faced Lisa. The younger woman wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist and placed one kiss on her lips and another one on her cheek. She had gotten bolder when it came to making a move on the empress, she wanted her to know that she appreciated her and that they were on the same page. "Don't start getting cocky now Lisa," The woman said with just as much playfulness as the other.

"How can I not when the empress has taken a liking to me?" Jennie shook her head and gently pushed her knight away. She continued to work on her painting until dinner time.

Jennie stopped in her tracks when she saw a younger woman sitting beside her husband in the dining hall. She slowly walked over to them with Lisa beside her who had also noticed the unusual presence. They both sat down, the two women sitting beside each other. Jennie glared at the young woman who was sitting across from her, she was sure she knew who that was. Her hair was blond, The baby had to come out looking like one of them after all.

"Jennie, this is Krystal, my concubine. Krystal this is Jennie, my wife, and the empress." Krystal smiled at the older woman despite seeing the deep frown on her face. "Nice to meet you, your highness." She spoke.

Jennie's fists clenched as she looked at the young woman. "Why is she sitting here with us?" She asked her husband. He gave his wife a look of displeasure. He cleared his throat and straightened his back. "I needed to introduce her to you." Jennie ignored her husband's words and made sure to stare the girl down to the point she felt uncomfortable and looked down at her plate. The empress smirked to herself knowing she had intimidated the girl.

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