Chapter 14

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Jennie had woken up after the longest and most comfortable sleep she had in what felt like years. She took notice of how she still wore the dress she wore the day before. She was confused, how in the world did she end up in bed if she fell asleep on the sofa?

She decided to hurry up and get ready for the day. The clock on her wall showed eleven. Sleeping until eleven was something she had never done, so it was clear she had been too stressed to get a good night's rest before. She knocked on Lisa's door but got no response, she had expected it seeing how late it was.

She walked downstairs to the lounge where Joo-hyun and Lisa were having a conversation. She was happy the two seemed to get along well. She walked in and was greeted by them both, she sat down beside Lisa who smiled at her appearance. "Did someone bring me upstairs last night?" The empress asked. "I did." Lisa revealed.

"Well thank you, You saved my back last night." The two shared a long moment of eye contact, Jennie felt the urge to place her lips upon her knight, but that would not be possible when her sister was sitting there. The older sister cleared her throat, getting the attention of both women.

"Breakfast is ready for you in the dining room." The empress nodded and walked to the dining room, Lisa followed shortly after.

"You do not need to follow me around here, this is your vacation too remember?"

"I enjoy spending time with you, do you not want me here?" Lisa whispered. She did not want people to listen to her private conversation with the empress. They couldn't find out how much the two women cared for each other.

"Of course I want you here, I simply wanted to inform you of this. If you wish to be on your own and do other things you are welcome to do so."

"I understand, and you must tell me when you wish to be alone too, I do not wish to bother you with my presence."

"Lisa." Jennie said before turning to look at the younger woman as if she had said something utterly ridiculous. "Your presence has never bothered me. I enjoy your company just as much as you enjoy mine." She gave her knight a reassuring smile. She had no idea Lisa had been walking around thinking she was annoying to the empress.

The older woman sat down and provided herself with the food. She moved the chair beside her for Lisa to sit on. They talked for the entirety of Jennie's late breakfast.

"Ah Jennie, welcome to our home. I hope you will enjoy your stay here." A man spoke as he entered the room. Joo-hyun's husband, The empress had been informed that the man had been out hunting. He enjoyed doing it as a sport, but also for food.

"Thank you, and I do not doubt I will enjoy my stay here." Taehyung was more soft-spoken than Jong-in which is why she preferred speaking to him.

"And who is this?" He asked nodding over at Lisa.

"Oh this is my knight Lisa, her job is to protect me. I am sure you have heard of the resistance by now."

"A female knight? Hm how interesting..." He wacthed the young woman. It seemed like she had that affect on people, evene the older woman reacted like that when she first saw Lisa. "Well enjoy your breakfast Jennie, later tonight we will be feasting on some moose meat!" He almost yelled out as he left the room.

"Are you good at hunting Lisa?" She asked, the younger woman smiled and nodded.

"Yes, this is also a skill I was taught by my father."

"What about your mother? You have not spoken of her before."

"Oh well she was in the house most of the time tidying up the house, I would sometimes go to the market with her and buy groceries for dinner. She is the best cook I know, no offense to your chefs." Jennie chuckled. It seemed like Lisa had a great relationship to her parents unlike herself who had cut all contact with them.

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