Chapter 20

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The two women had been apart for nearly a week, both having to heal. Jennie had gotten a cold and was deep in grief. Anger rose within her each time her husband walked into the room. She knew he was at fault for what happened to both Rosie and Jisoo. Hopefully, he will get what he deserves one day.

Lisa's wound was healing well, no infection had come from it, miraculously. She moved around more and the pain was almost gone.

Jennie had gotten better, healthy. She walked to the room where her lover was staying in. The death of her maid did take a toll on her and she found it hard to control her composure.

She asked the nurses to leave the room as she approached the sleeping knight. She looked healthy, it was reassuring for her. She kissed the woman's forehead and sat down on her knees beside the bed.

Lisa's hand was warm, she took it in hers and kissed it before laying her head on it. A mixture of different emotions washed over her and tears filled the corners of her eyes. The thought of losing Lisa the way she had lost Rosie haunted her. She knew the knight was going to be alright, for now. But who knew what would happen in the future? It was not reassuring to her.

Lisa woke up to the soft cries of the woman. With half-lidded eyes, she looked down and gave the grieving woman a small smile before moving her hand to touch her cheek. Jennie turned to look up at her knight. "How are you?" She had asked,

"I am coping. It has been hard Lisa, very. I will tell you that... How are you?"

"I am alright. What happened to you?" She asked.

"I caught a cold, but now I am healthy again. May I see your wound?" She asked. Lisa nodded. She got out of bed, the nurses had made her wear a nightgown which was pretty comfortable. "I have never seen you in a gown before, you look good." Jennie smiled.

Lisa returned the smile and shook her head. She began moving the fabric away so Jennie would be able to see. "Ugh there's so much fabric, this is why I do not wear dresses, so inconvenient."

The older woman chuckled. "I suppose so, especially for your line of work." Finally, Lisa lifted up the gown to show Jennie. Both her legs and her stomach were exposed to the woman. She took this opportunity to admire the woman's form. Before walking closer and taking a look at the wound. It was sewn up, so there was not much to look at, it was red and had left a bruise that was nearly gone. "Does it hurt?"

"Not much anymore. I will be removing the stitches today." The older woman hummed. Then there was silence, it was the uncomfortable type. Neither wanted to bring up the death of the two maids.

"I will take my leave now." The younger woman quickly grabbed Jennie's wrist and turned around to face her knight again. "You can speak to me about anything. I am here for you Jennie." The older woman nodded and hugged the younger woman, tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "Thank you Lisa, you mean so much to me." She choked out.

"I feel the same way." She replied, hugging the woman tighter.


Jennie felt the bed sink so she turned to look at the man beside her. Anger rose within her again. He turned to her and began playing with her hair. The way he smiled, as if everything was alright as if he was not responsible for the death of two maids.

"Why did you kill them?" She finally asked. His face showed confusion, but then he realized who she was talking about. "They were in a relationship."

"And for that reason, you decided it would be best to hang them? My two most loyal and best working maids?"

"Perhaps they would still be alive if you were here, but you were not."

"You killed them because I was not here? How bitter can one be?"

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