Chapter 7

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"Do you see that Lisa?" Jennie pointed at the guard dog who sat still by its master, It was cold sitting beside the window, it seemed like it had not been built properly.

Her knight got closer and tried to find what Jennie was pointing at.

"The dog?"

"Yes, they are trained to alert their owners whenever there is an intruder and they will attack on sight. Dogs are smart animals, do you agree?"

"I do."

"That is why you must be my dog Lisa." She gazed at the younger woman whose eyebrows were furrowed, the older woman took notice of this and understood she had offended Lisa.

Perhaps she should have worded it better.

"I'm sorry? What do you mean by that?"

"Dogs are loyal, they can smell and hear things from miles away, need you to be the same. You need to be aware of the danger that is far away before anyone else."

"You are asking too much of me, Miss, I am human, not a superhuman. I was trained to fight and protect, what you are asking of me is impossible."

"Maybe so, but you will try anyway, is that not right?" Lisa was confused about what the older woman was implying, was it a test to see she was determined enough to be her knight? Was the empress speaking in riddles? She of course choose the wisest answer she knew the woman would be pleased with.

"Of course I will, It is my job to protect you after all, you are my highest priority miss."

"Well answered Lisa, do you think that is the answer I wanted?"


"That is where you are flawed Lisa, You cannot always reply with the answer I want. What if your answers trying to please me will put me in danger?"

"As I stated before your life is my highest priority, pleasing you is second which is why I ask you to step away from the window before you end up with an arrow in your head." The older woman turned to watch her knight carefully.

She had managed to irritate Lisa enough for her to come up with such a scenario, a scenario that realistically could happen. So she stepped down from the window with a tiny smirk on her lips as she gracefully walked past Lisa.

"You are acting strange today, is everything alright?" The dark-haired woman asked. It was as if the woman was purposely trying to get on her nerves, first, she compared her to a dog, and then she questioned her ability to protect the empress.

She was capable enough for it and she was going to prove it.

"I am perfectly fine, just consider my words, will you? You needn't always please me, especially not when my life is on the line."

"I have been here for nearly a month and I cannot recall putting your life in danger simply to please you." Lisa said confidently, but the older woman laughed and turned again to look at the woman who looked like a big question mark.

"remember the evening out we had? You did warn me, but it took little to convince you it was safe."


"Exactly" The older woman interrupted before Lisa could get another word out. "Anyway, enough of that. I have plans of meeting my sister soon, I will have to write her a letter and notice her of my arrival of course, it will take some time, but when she writes back I will be leaving as soon as I can, you are coming with of course."

Lisa was surprised to hear the empress had a sister, she had never mentioned her before.

What was she like? Did she look similar to Jennie? The younger woman wondered. She watched Jennie search through her drawer to find a paper and a quill.

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