Chapter 22

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Weeks passed. It was not an eventful of weeks that was for sure. The concubine avoided the empress like a plague just the way she wanted it to be. Jong-in had his challenges when it came to his wife, but he managed with his concubine, for now.

Jennie had decided to take an appointment with her doctor. He came to her castle and into her room. They were only two and she told him what her symptoms were. Missing menstrual cycle, nausea, and fatigue. She had convinced herself that she had gotten pregnant, despite being infertile and having it confirmed by the doctor. She needed to know if she was just insane or not so calling for the doctor was the best choice

"Jennie. You know you are infertile. I assume you have been stressed lately?" He asked.

"I have."

"Exactly, you have gone through a lot lately. You need to relax. I will give you some medicine that will help you feel better. If those do not work you can contact me again. I believe that will help your nausea and the irregular period."

"It is not irregular, it had not been here for over three weeks. What if I am pregnant doctor."

"Miss. You have thought you were pregnant before, you are infertile. This we know by now. Perhaps you wish you were pregnant?"

"No." The woman replied. She closed her eyes and bit her lip. She disliked the way he talked to her as if she was delusional. Yes a couple of years ago she believed she had gotten pregnant, but this time she had more symptoms. Nausea was not something she had experienced before, the irregular menstrual cycle however is something she was familiar with.

The empress decided to dismiss the doctor after receiving the medication she needed for her stress.

Lisa was downstairs training, she had been there for hours now. She assumed Lisa was quite the hard-working woman. The empress walked downstairs. Jennie watched the young woman attack a dummy with her spear, she looked quite good doing so. Her focused gaze made her seem intimidating

"Lisa." The woman spoke. The dark-haired woman smiled and ran towards the empress.

"Ah hello, do you need me?" Beads of sweat ran down her forehead. She was reminded of the two nights she shared with Lisa, it had been weeks since they shared that type of intimacy. It was far riskier to do such a thing at home.

"Yes. Come now." She wrapped her arm around Lisa's and walked off with her. She let the young woman bathe and change while she sat and chatted with her. Lisa wrapped herself in a towel and waited for her body to dry. The woman led her to the bed where they laid down and looked at each other eyes. "I was at the doctor today, as you know I have experienced some rather uncomfortable symptoms lately."

She nodded. "It is all due to stress, I received medication for it." She showed her the wooden box of pills she had received.

"I am glad you are getting help for it, what does it do?"

"It supposedly calms me down, makes me relaxed." Lisa wrapped her arms around the woman and went in for a tight hug. "Good." The woman chuckled and hugged her lover back. "Look at you being all affectionate." She kissed her neck and was immediately pushed away.

"Stop that!" Lisa groaned. Still as ticklish as ever.

The woman laughed and kissed Lisa's cheek. "You will not be replaced Lisa, I made sure of that. It has been two weeks now and he has not made an effort to look for someone else. We can be with each other for a little longer." The young knight smiled and hugged the empress tighter.

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