Chapter 26

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The woman almost cried at the thought of parting from her sister for what might be forever. She would be devastated if she never saw her sister again, but she was sure she could find a good time once they were settled down.

Jennie could not help, but take the last look in her painting room, that was the room she was going to really miss.

When she had done what she needed to do she left the castle for the last time and jumped in the carriage with the twins. They needed to ride to the cliff where the woman would 'die' to really make it seem like she jumped. She made sure to put her footsteps in the snow, she removed her coat at the edge, and walked backward in the same spots she had previously walked.

The carriage continued to the shore where the big ship was waiting. It was going to be harsh and it was going to be cold, but it was necessary for where they were going. "Take the chests." The captain ordered her men, they placed them on board and looked inside of it.

"Good, a chest full of treasure. Have a nice ride empress." Her words struck Jennie. She was no longer the empress, she was a simple noblewoman with no title or no husband. She was herself.

Jennie and Lisa naturally shared a room while Haruto got his own. The three chests of treasure were for them and them only. One was for the siblings, a 'bit' more than what they had originally earned, but oh well.

"I am no longer empress, I am no longer a wife and I am no longer trapped." The woman whispered to herself. Lisa smiled and hugged Jennie tightly. She was happy for the woman, happy that she had finally gotten what she wanted, and happy that they would live together.

"Have you told Haruto about the pregnancy?" Lisa asked.

"What do you think?" He would have already bombarded her with questions if she had said that. So she assumed the answer was no. "Do you want me to?"

The young woman contemplated on it, she had no clue what her brother's reaction would be. He was most likely happy about the pregnancy, but that she was with another woman? That was another story. "I am afraid he will have a negative reaction." She admitted to the older woman.

"Me too, but he will know sooner or later. Shall we try?" Lisa nodded and they both went to his room. They knocked and asked to come in. He seemed confused. "Haruto..." She started but found it hard to continue the words that might change her relationship with her brother forever. "Jennie..." She pointed at Jennie's stomach. "Is bearing my child, she is my lover."

Haruto was completely shocked, he had to sit down at the information he had just received and his eyes were as wide as they had ever been. He was not sure what shocked him more, the fact that Lisa got someone pregnant or that she had a woman as a lover. "well uh...congratulations?" The young woman laughed and hugged her brother.

"Do you mind any of this?" She asked.

"I mean... No, I suppose not. You put it to good use it seems." He laughed, Lisa shook her head in embarrassment, and hit his arm. but behind all that embarrassment she was surprised he would accept that she was with a woman.


"Our first night of freedom" Jennie grinned. They both were laying in bed, the younger woman spooning her lover. Lisa hummed and had to smile herself at how happy Jennie was, if she remembered correctly she had been the empress for 20 years.

She grabbed the woman's hips and brought her even closer. "I am happy for you, hopefully, you will like Khougon, it is a bit warmer than it is here that is for sure. We do not have winter." Jennie had forgotten what type of land Khougon really was. A tropical place, she imagined the heat would be excruciating before she got used to it. She lived far up in the North and was used to mild temperatures. She had read from previous explorers that going into a land with a different climate was hard because of the temperature changes, but you would get used to it.

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