Worthy - Part 2

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- Ambrosius narrates -

From that day Ballister began his new life in the castle, every day I saw him I liked to see him being himself, he is someone kind, curious and very intelligent, not for nothing he spend part of his free time in the workshop modifying all the weapons used by the guard; he has a lot of interest in literature and also has excellent musical taste.

From that day Ballister began his new life in the castle, every day I saw him I liked to see him being himself, he is someone kind, curious and very intelligent, not for nothing he spend part of his free time in the workshop modifying all the weap...

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Although his dancing skills are not the best; so this afternoon I invited him to dance, I practically taught him from scratch, but he learned so quickly that I thought he was lying to me, with every song that was played dancing became completely natural for him.

- Wow... I thought you had never danced in your life.

- I didn't lie to you, I had never danced before, but it's so fun that I feel like I've done it my whole life... you're a great teacher.

- Heh, I wouldn't say that much, you just have to let the music guide you.

At that moment he nodded and smiled at me, took my hands again and he prepared to dance one last vals with me... when the melody played, I felt like I was in heaven, each step was perfect, fine, delicate and full of joy, in that moment I could feel how my heart reacted to it, everything that was happening was telling me something, something that made me nervous but very happy, this last dance was one of the best experiences I have had in my entire life, I felt the magic of the moment, and I felt flattered... to have the most perfect man in the world in front of me...

- (But... what did I just think?) - the music had ended, I apologized to Ballister and left the room - but... what happened?

I never thought this could happen, I promised myself not to give in to my feelings, partly because I wanted him to feel safe, but in reality, after all this time... I can't see him in any other way; at first I treated him like a guest, but unfortunately I couldn't contain myself anymore... something I feared would happen, because I wouldn't know how he would react and much less I want him to be scared... I'm really in a big trouble.

- One year later -

Ballister has been living here for a year, apparently it was enough... and I couldn't help but fall strongly for his charms, so this day I made a very risky decision, but I no longer wanted to keep this secret from him.

I met him in his room when the night came, I let him get comfortable because I had no idea what the outcome of this conversation would be.

- Thank you for agreeing to listen to me Ballister.

- You're welcome, tell me what you need, I'm willing to listen to it.

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