A new beginning (final)

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- Some time later -

- Ambrosius narrates -

The night I found Nimona my life changed radically... this baby became the light of my life... always happy, eager to see me, so full of life and energy... she changed the lives of both me and the queen.

It didn't take us long to complete the necessary requirements to adopt her, I dedicated myself to doing everything possible to make it... I still remember the day they accepted our request.

- A home and stable situation, the possibility of a good education... and a father willing to love this little girl... well, we have no more doubts- the judge signed the papers and it was finally official- congratulations, Nimona Goldenloin, great job, we know you will take good care of her.

- Haa... we did it, did you hear that little one? Nimona Goldenloin... we are finally a family.

- Congratulations Ambrosius... I know Ballister would be very happy for you.

- Yes... I'm sure he's happy for all of us... come on your majesty, we have to celebrate.

That afternoon we had the best time, Nimona played with great enthusiasm while the queen and I watched her very happily.

- I'm proud of you dear, I knew you could keep going.

- Thank you, your majesty, but the merit of all this... is thanks to this little girl... if she hadn't come into my life... who knows where I would be, I'm really very happy that she saved me.

- A few years later -

Nimona is now five years old, a year ago she started studying at the best kindergarden, she learned a lot and very quickly, every time I picked her up she came back happy from her experience and every day she was eager to go again.

There was one occasion when they needed the presence of the parents to inform us about some news; I agreed to go, I took Nimona and so that she wouldn't get bored she went to play with her friends. The meeting was about to end, to finish they were going to introduce us to a new caregiver for the children.

- Good afternoon everyone, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ballister Boldheart and I will be the new caregiver of your children.

- ... What? - Ballister!? How? Is it a coincidence? -

I looked at the new caregiver... and I couldn't believe it... the more I looked at him... the more I realized... that it was Ballister... in the flesh.

 in the flesh

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