part 1 // shy

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(some strong language)

"yoongi, come in the pool !" jimin yelled loudly over to his boyfriend from inside the freezing water, his hands coming up to cup around his mouth for extra volume as he did so. it was extremely early in the morning, and they had just woken up, so jimin decided to drag yoongis tired body to go for a swim. it took a ton of convincing and bargaining with his boyfriend to eventually get him to give in, but here they were, at the damn swimming pool at some ungodly hour of the morning.

"no." yoongi bluntly answered him, sending a stinging glare to jimin from his pool chair. yoongi didnt mean to sound so harsh but it was early as fuck and he really didnt feel like doing this right now. yoongi always did have a habit of being snappy and cold in the morning, and it the moment he was living up to that habit quite well. yoongi was never harsh on jimin, everyone knew that, but god, did mornings just bring out the absolute worst in him.

"but why, babe?" jimin whined childishly, making the pouting face that usually worked wonders on yoongi at times like these. he treaded water with his feet as he remained at the side on the pool, hair matted to his forehead and eyes slightly itchy from the excessive chlorine. "jimin, I already said no, can you just stop pestering me?" yoongi yelled, finally losing his patience. he clenched his fists in anger beside himself, he was just really on edge at the moment and jimin wasnt helping the situation one bit right now.

"s-sorry yoongi.." jimin whimpered sadly, his head drooping down. yoongi watched as jimin sulked, feeling instantly as if he had kicked a puppy in its side. "jiminie, I- I'm sorry." he said to him softly, shaking his head at himself in disappointment. he didnt like seeing jimin sad, ever, because he looked so much better with a bright smile on his beautiful face rather than a deep frown like the one yoongi had just caused.

"it's alright. but why won't you swim with me yoongi?" jimin quietly asked, while giving him a slight smile, just to let him know that hes not upset anymore, just a little confused. he spoke cautiously, worried that anything he said might hit a nerve in yoongi and get him yelling again. "I- I'm just.. I'm just a little shy that's all.." yoongi said quietly, feeling embarrassed about admitting that to jimin. he wasnt very good with admitting his feelings in regards to anything, so saying things like this kind of made him want to set himself on fire.

"huh? why though?" jimin asked him, eyebrows furrowing as he tried to think of a reason why yoongi would be embarrassed in front of him. they were dating, for gods sake, jimin always thought yoongi looked absolutely stunning. "I- I don't know.. I just feel terribly ugly next to you because.. well, uh- my body is- uhm..." at this point yoongi wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment. he felt really uncomfortable, and having jimins constant, blazing gaze on him wasnt really helping.

"what? your body? its pretty great, if i do say so myself. mines nothing special anyway." jimin shyly smiled, "but why would you even think like that? i dont want you to ever think that your not good enough." jimin smiled fondly at his boyfriends red face. Yoongi blushed harder from the younger boys compliment, feeling a little less embarrassed about taking his shirt off. but he still kind of wished that he didnt have to do it. because no matter how many times jimin encourages him, jimin still has rock hard abs and he, not so much.

"will you come in now?" jimin tilted his head to one side, sending yoongi a reassuring smile while doing so. "yeah I guess so.." yoongi sighed, but gave jimin a smile in return before proceeding to take off his shirt with slow motions and set it down next to the rest of his things. he then ruffled his messy hair a little bit before he made his way to join jimin inside the pool.

"its fucking freezing, jimin, what the hell!" yoongi shivered as he watched jimin laugh loudly at him as he let his feet slowly enter. jimin just stared at the beauty that was min yoongi, taking everything in at once. he couldn't believe that he could ever be shy, about anything, his body included. he thought yoongi was the prettiest person he had ever seen, in every way, shape, and form possible, in all honestly.

"yoongi!" jimin yelled suddenly, and when yoongi turned his head to the direction of jimins voice, he was met with a face full of ice cold pool water. "you're going to pay for that, park jimin!" yoongi screeched as he swam forward quickly, ready to make jimin regret doing that to him.


a/n hi guys! so this is my one shot book! i hope you like them!~

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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