part 4 // jealous

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"aish, what the hell are they even talking about?" jimin muttered to himself when he saw yoongi happily chatting with namjoon, jimins classmate, when he finally walked out of the practice room. yoongi came to pick up jimin every day when dance practice was finished and he guessed today namjoon just happened to be sitting out there already. namjoon attended the same dance school, he was just in a lower level class that jimin was.

yoongi suddenly broke jimin out of his thoughts when he burst out laughing at something namjoon said to him, and jimin suddenly got very upset because yoongi was smiling at someone other than him. it made his vision blur and a hot feeling rise up and settle in the pit of his stomach. when namjoon patted yoongi on the shoulder (even if it was in a strictly friendly way) jimin decided that he had finally had enough of this nonsense and he needed to do something to put an end to this.

"hey, babe." jimin said casually as he sat down next to yoongi on the bench he was sat on beside namjoon. he then slung a heavy arm onto yoongis shoulders, trying too indicate to namjoon that yoongi was his, and only his. yoongi quickly turned to glance at jimin briefly, muttering a quick 'hey jimin' before turning back to his previous conversation. he didnt mean to be so blunt with him, but he found it quite childish the way jimin had just interrupted his conversation. especially because they were both his hyungs. yoongi didnt like to baby jimin by any means, but he knew better.

jimins blood boiled at the lack of attention his boyfriend was giving him at the moment, and he suddenly was much angrier than before. if he was in his right mind, he probably would have been able to realize that he was being quite stupid and rude, but unfortunately that wasnt the case. "yoongi ah, can we please go? im tired." jimin whined to yoongi while tilting his head slightly to the side, trying to see if that had gotten his attention.

"yeah, in one second, jimin. namjoon is telling me a really funny story!" yoongi said without even turning to spare jimin a quick look before laughing at something else namjoon had said. he didnt understand why jimin was being so whiny right now, he was usually never like this. "I really can't take this!" jimin suddenly yelled in one big outburst, shooting up from his seat and rushing off angrily. he hadnt meant to blow up the way he did, but he just couldnt hold it in for much longer.

yoongi watched in shock as his angry boyfriend stormed off with quick steps. "I should probably go check on him.." he muttered softly to namjoon. he was a bit confused on what exactly just happened there. just a second ago jimin was whining to him about leaving, and now he seemed pissed. "yeah, of course! I'll talk to you next time Yoongi ssi!" namjoon smiled widely and sent him off with a small wave. yoongi waved back only slightly, before getting up and rushing to grab jimins practice bag that was set down beside him.

"jimin?" he called when he opened the door to the nearest bathroom, that he assumed jimin would probably be in. he then heard some sniffling, eventually seeing his beautiful boyfriend standing in front of a sink, splashing water on his face continuously with swift, quick movements. yoongi looked curiously at jimin as he continued to wash his face. "jiminie? are you okay?" yoongi asked, now extremely worried. he didnt really know what was going on, but he knew that jimin had a distressed look on his face, and that probably meant that it wasnt good.

jimin looked up, a bit startled by the sudden voice. "oh, it's just you." he bluntly said before grabbing a couple paper towels to dry off his dripping face with. "are you- are you mad at me?" yoongi quietly asked. he was now worried that he had done something wrong, but he couldnt remember doing anything. he still couldnt help but wonder if he had somehow upset jimin. he really didnt like doing that. jimin just sighed before turning to his boyfriend. when he saw the sad look on his face, he decided to just tell him what was on his mind and stop being so damn difficult.

"you were sitting so close to him." he whispered, head bowed down. "what? what are you talking about, jiminie?" yoongi asked quickly, walking forward toward his boyfriend. "you and namjoon hyung.." jimin whispered timidly, bringing his hands up to cover his face with them. "oh," yoongi breathed out, finally realizing what was exactly was happening. "you're jealous, arent you!" he smirked.

jimins face went completely red with embarrassment. he just now realized that it was so stupid of him to even be jealous at all. he was being so immature, he actually began to laugh at himself. "jiminie, look at me." yoongi whispered, suddenly turning serious again. jimin looked up at yoongi, and yoongi then proceeded to pull him into a tight hug. "you're the only one that makes me happy, you know that? really, its true." yoongi said lovingly into his boyfriends ear.

jimin just gave a curt nod, a smile taking over his previously pouted lips. "I love you, jiminie. you know that right?" yoongi smiled at him widely, eyes watching him intently. "i know, but I love you more." jimin smiled right back, eyes forming perfect little crescents on his face.


a/n jealous jimin is very no fun.

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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