part 99 // hangovers

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park jimin never drinks. not wine when he is at a restaurant, not vodka when taehyung is pissed drunk and trying to shove the liquid down jimins throat, not at all. he just didnt choose to. so, when he finally does, it gets a little out of hand. thank god that yoongi was there with him, or else who knows what couldve happened. jimin stepped unevenly on his two feet, swaying messily in an attempt to steady himself. he clutched to yoongis arm as they walked through crowds of people, laughing at nothing in particular.

yoongi holds jimins waist to balance his steps out, easily using one of his arms to hold him. yoongi said nothing as they walked into the cold night air, leaving the overcrowded and sticky atmosphere of the house party inside. yoongi walked with his arm around jimin all the way to their car, helping him into the passenger seat, all while ignoring jimins endless babbling about something funny taehyung had done earlier that night. yoongi then went to sit in the drivers seat, starting the car and pulling away as quickly as he could.

when they finally made it back to their apartment, jimin stumbling and tripping over his own feet multiple times on the way, it was already early in the morning. jimin was still slightly drunk and giggly as they climbed into bed together, not paying much attention to whether or not yoongi was listening to his multiple stories. eventually jimin winded down, falling asleep. yoongi fell asleep very shortly after, he hadnt drank that night so sleep had been on his mind for a while now.

when they woke up, jimin much later than yoongi, jimin groaned loudly as the sunlight hit his face. yoongi sat at the edge of their bed, pulling his socks on as jimin rolled over. "are you mad at me?" jimin mumbled to him, his voice still groggy and hoarse from sleep. yoongi paused his actions and looked over, smiling slightly. "no, darling, im not mad." he said gently, reaching over to smooth jimins bangs away from his face. jimin hummed contently, smiling back at him. but when he tried to sit up, his head pounded so badly he immediately had to lay back down.

yoongi sighed lightly, "headache?" he asked, to which jimin nodded, a distressed look on his face. yoongi nodded back, understanding. yoongi used to drink loads, and knew exactly how it felt to wake up with a terrible hangover. which also meant he knew all the right steps to take in order to cure one. so, he stood up and walked to the kitchen to see what kind of medicine they had hidden inside their cabinets. yoongi was hoping they would at least have something, he doubted it though.

yoongi hums to himself in thought as he stares into an empty cabinet, thinking of what he should do. he eventually settles on calling seokjin, which he thinks is probably the best thing to do anyways. over the phone, seokjin tells him that he actually doesnt need to give jimin medicine, all he really needs is some help sitting up, soup, and a cold glass of water. yoongi does as hes told, though whenever hes dealt with one he just pops some pills and goes on with his day.

"jimin?" yoongi calls gently as he enters the room, attempting to juggle a bowl of soup, a glass of water, and a hot rag in his hands. jimin merely groans from beneath the covers in response, his head still throbbing. he sets all of the supplies down before hurrying over to jimin, and slowly helping him sit up with his back pressed against the headboard. jimin scrunched his face up in discomfort, not liking that yoongi was making him sit up in the light and everything. "here." yoongi said as he plopped the warm rag onto jimins forehead, trying to be gentle but coming off as awkward.

jimin laughed lightly, the movement slightly hurting his head. yoongi decided to just ask if he wanted soup or water, instead of trying to awkwardly shove it at him which could end badly. once jimin had eaten and gotten settled back into bed, he dragged yoongi under the blankets with him. "love you lots." jimin mumbled into yoongi shirt as he cuddled into his body further, his headache slowly fizzling out. yoongi smiled to himself and gently ran his fingers through jimins hair, "i love you too, sunshine."


a/n i was feeling really lonely today lovelies i neED CUDDLES. also, if you havent noticed, i have a thing for yoongi calling jimin sunshine bc i just loVE IT ALRIGHT

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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