part 16 // letters

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when jimin died, he left yoongi a series of letters, along with permanent heartbreak and so on. when yoongi first found out about the said letters, he didn't dare open them. ever. jimin had just died and the pain was too fresh, too real. he just couldn't handle anymore hurt. but now, almost 10 months after the indecent, yoongi was sitting on the cold floor of his apartment, silently shifting through the letters with shaky hands. jimin had written him a letter for literally everything.

when you miss me

when you're sad

when you're angry at me

when you fight with one of the boys

when you decide to move on

when you meet someone

when you finish your album

when you get engaged

when you get married

when you decide to have kids

when you're on your death bed

and those were only a few of them. now, yoongi was never the sappy love story type. but these letters really touched his heart in ways that only jimin ever could. yoongi was not a very patient person, but jimin clearly stated to not open each letter until the time was right. so, he decided to open the one titled, when you miss me. because lets be real, he always missed his jiminie. 

to my yoongi,

hey, baby. so you have probably opened this one because you miss me a lot right now. and i completely understand that. if i was in your position, i dont know if i could live. but you, you're so strong. im so proud of you for being so strong, just like you always were. anyways, even though you miss me right now, i want you to know that im with you. im always with you. even if you cant see me, i will always be there, even as you're reading this. i miss you so much. i hope you know how much you meant to me. so, enough with this sad stuff. babe, i want you to go listen to music or play basketball. something to cheer you up, okay? i dont ever want to see you sad.

i love you with all of my heart, 


"gosh, what a brat for making me cry." yoongi muttered to himself as he wiped away the hot tears from his cheeks and underneath his eyes, chuckling hollowly. then, he decided to take some of jimins advice, and go write a song.


10 years later.

yoongi was sweating. a lot. he had never been so fucking nervous before. he had 10 minutes until he had to walk down that isle and get married, and he was freaking out to say the least. as he paced the wooden floor, he suddenly remembered something. he went to pull out an old box from behind his dresser and search for the correct letter.

when you get married

he sighed lightly, preparing himself. then, ripped open the envelope and began reading.

to my yoongi,

i know you're not mine anymore, but my heart will always belong to you. so, your getting married! first off, congratulations! im so, so happy for you, truly. and even though its not to me, like we always used to talk about, im just glad that you're happy. and i promise, no matter what, im sitting in the audience watching you walk out. i will be there. i promise. the person your getting married to is the luckiest person in the world, i hope they know that. because, you are the most amazing person i have ever met, yoongi. i hope they treat you right. (and if they dont, i will haunt them for the rest of their miserable life) anyways, you have my blessing. not that you need it, but you do have it.

i love you so much (more than you'll ever know), 


and even though yoongi had tears rolling down his cheeks in bucket loads, he was okay now. because he had jimins blessing. and thats all he ever needed. "i love you." yoongi whispered into the air, hoping that jimin was there, and that he could hear him.

and somewhere, somehow, jimin did.


a/n i may have cried writing this....oops. anyways, sorry for the late update! i have been trying to write chapter to my other books! i hope you guys liked this one! sorry it was a bit short, the next one will probably be longer!

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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