part 113 // proud

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(a/n this was based off of the moment in the picture above, i was so happy and so sad at the same time when i saw it. we are all so proud of you, bangtan.)

the blaring lights casting down upon them made their skin glow a bright shiny white, their eyes reflecting the beams of harsh color. the blaring sound of screaming fans came from all directions, so loud that it eventually became only a low buzz in the back of their heads as they soon got adjusted. adrenaline pumped in their veins as they sang all the words to the songs that they had written, that they had worked so hard on. as the fans sang along with them, word for word, it finally hit them. they had made it.

yoongis heart pounded loudly in his chest, beads of sweat falling down the sides off his face from the tips of his hair, his breath heavy. the ending credits were playing on the screen, and yoongi rushed to where he knew two special people were seated in the crowd. he jogged to the section, dodging his fellow members on his way there, who were all waving goodbye to the many fans who attended. yoongis eyes frantically searched the row of seats until he saw them, two proud faces smiling over at him as they watched his every move. they smiled, and he was struck with familiarity. his parents.

he suddenly dropped to his knees, further bending his back into a full bow, the most respectful of them all. he sat on his knees, head in the crook of his arm, almost touching the ground if his forearm wasnt underneath it, and he thought for a moment. here he was, in the middle of the olympic arena. the very place he had always aspired to perform in. before he could even think further, there was a thick lump in his throat and tears in his eyes, his breathing suddenly picking up. his chest heaved as he sobbed on the ground, bowing to his parents.

all he had ever wanted to do was make them proud, and maybe now he could do that. maybe now he could be the person they were proud to call their son. yoongi never cried, but he allowed it just this once. he continued to cry heavily, not able to stop himself anymore. just as his tears were beginning to make a wet mark on the sleeve of his shirt, an arm wrapped around his back in comfort. yoongi didnt even have to look to know it belonged to jimin. "omma, appa, saranghae." he whispered to himself, hoping that they knew his true feelings. he could see in their eyes that they did.

jimin leaned to yoongis level near the floor, "baby, are you okay?" he said, just loud enough for yoongi to hear over their fans. yoongi sniffled, "yes." he answered, his daegu accent thicker than ever. he then allowed jimin to help him up from his position, his teary eyes looking to his parents proud smiles one last time before walking beside jimin back to the middle of the stage where the rest of the boys waited for them. they all smiled knowingly at yoongis tear stained face and comfortingly rubbed his back, although jimin was the only one who could ever really calm him down.

as they all bowed together, shoulder to shoulder, yoongi looked over at the six boys he had spent many years of his life with. his hardworking, wonderful friends, brothers, even. because they were family, in the end. yoongi never said it out loud, but he hoped that they would all be together forever. he never wanted to loose this, to loose them. his support system, his best friends, his little family. each of them played a huge role in yoongis life, and he couldnt imagine one without them by his side. this is exactly how he wanted to spend the rest of his days, jimins blinding smile in his eyes and surrounded by the six people he loved most.

and in that moment, he realized, that this is what true love is.


a/n okay so this was a lot more emo than i originally had in mind but i hope you enjoyed!! the next one will be reallyyyy dorky so stay tuned (also i apologize that this wasnt exactly "yoonmin-ish" more just yoongi centric but eh there are some mentions and yoongi crying made me sob)

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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