part 18 // don't go

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(ahaha im evil >:) heres more angst for you guys....oops. its only slight angst though! oh and some strong language in this as well!)

yoongi knew that jimin was unfaithful. he knew it. but did he do or say anything about it? no. because he loved him. and he never wanted to loose him. that night, when jimin walked through the front door of their apartment, yoongi knew he had done it again. the way jimins clothes were undone, the way his hair was messier than usual, and the small almost covered from yoongis field of vision hickey, was a dead give away. "hey baby! what are you up to?" jimin casually smiled widely and started to walk over to yoongi.

yoongi said nothing, in fear that if he opened his mouth he would just start to cry. so he silently stood, looking to everything other than jimin, with his heart breaking in his chest. it really, really hurt when jimin would do this. yoongi felt as if he wasn't good enough, and that jimin didn't want him anymore. which he didn't understand completely because its not like they didn't have sex. they did, but jimin just seemed to want more, and it broke yoongis heart. "whats wrong, babe?" jimin said sweetly when he tried to hug yoongi but he flinched away at jimins touch.

"i- i- im going to t-take a shower now." yoongi sadly stuttered before rushing himself into the bathroom and locking the door. he immediately fell to his knees and began to sob roughly into his palms. his small figure shook from the cries his body was making and hot tears soaked his thin shirt. 'why am i not good enough for you?' 'did you ever even love me?' yoongi thought to himself as he continued to cry.

jimin stood outside of the door, his head pressed against it, silently listening to his boyfriends sobs. jimins own tears escaped his eyes as he realized how much he was actually hurting him. jimin never meant to hurt yoongi, ever. yoongi was the love of his life. so why did he cheat on him? he wished that he knew. the first time it happened, he was drunk and it was a complete mistake. but for some reason, it started to become a regular thing for him. there were no feelings involved, just sex. but that didn't make it okay. 

the more jimin thought about it, the more he realized how fucking stupid he has been. yoongi is perfect. jimin loves absolutely everything about him. so why does he continue to break his heart? he didn't know. but he did know that its going to stop. he decided that he would never do this to yoongi. ever again. he loved him too much. he loved how yoongi had dimples at the bottom of is back, he loved how his collar bones stuck out alot, he loved how his voice sounded so smooth and soothing. he loved everything. he just hoped that yoongi, still felt the same.

"yoongi? baby, can i come in please?" jimin quietly knocked on the door. suddenly, the cries stopped, and it was completely silent. then, the door slowly opened to reveal a puffy eyed and tired looking yoongi. the moment jimin saw him, he scooped yoongi into his arms and just held him. he held him and smelled his comforting scent. he smelled like home. the problem was, that jimin didn't smell like home to yoongi anymore. he smelt like someone else's cologne.

"im so, so fucking sorry. im such a fuck up. i love you so much, and im just so, so sorry." jimin whispered into their tight (and mostly one-sided) embrace. yoongi began to cry again, his tears wetting jimins shirt. and jimin felt his heart begin to crack. he really, really, hurt yoongi. and sorry just wasn't good enough. "i cant do this." yoongi shakily whispered after he had stopped crying (for the most part). "w-what? what do you mean?" jimin desperately clung to yoongis shirt.

and suddenly, yoongi just lost it. he pulled away from the embrace and looked jimin straight in the eye. "you ruined me, jimin. you broke my fucking heart and i just don't know what else to say. do you know how much it hurt, knowing that you were with someone else? do you fucking know how much it hurt! so fucking much! it felt like one hundred knives were being stabbed into me at once. i thought were were going to be together forever. i really did. you were it for me. you were my person. and what makes me the most angry, is that i still fucking love you! and all i want to do is hug you a little longer and pretend this didn't happen. but i wont. because it did happen. and i dont know if i can ever forgive you."

by now, jimin had tears pouring out of his eyes and the sight of that made yoongi feel so sad he felt dizzy. but he had to say it. because it was the truth. and jimin knew it. after a couple minutes of jimin silently crying, he spoke up again. "you still are my person. your it for me. please, dont go.." he said sadly. yoongis blood boiled, "really? because it didn't seem like it when you were fucking other guys!" he yelled angrily before storming into their bedroom.

"please, please just give me another chance! dont go! i love you so much, yoongi! please." jimin yelled desperately in the direction of their bedroom door. yoongi almost gave in. almost. but he didn't. and by the end of the night, jimin was all alone in their apartment. counting each minute gone by that yoongi was no longer by his side. but little did he know, yoongi was doing the same thing, as he laid down on namjoons couch for the night.

"please. please come back to me. i need you." jimin whispered into thin air, even though he knew yoongi couldn't hear him.


a/n sad yoonmin aW....oops. anyways, i hope that it was still somewhat enjoyable for you guys ! i hope you liked it !


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