part 75 // puppies

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"jimin?" yoongi asked in surprise as he pulled open his front door at three in the morning. jimin stared at him through tired eyes, his body slouched and worn out looking. "hey, uhm- my dad threw me out so i was wondering if maybe i could stay with you?" jimin explained hesitantly, shifting his weight between the two of his legs nervously. yoongi didnt hesitate before moving to the side and letting jimin enter. 

"what happened, jiminie?" yoongi asked the exhausted boy. jimin looked at him, eyes filled with an unreadable emotion. "i mean, we both know my dads never been very fond of me," jimin started, attempting to make it seem casual, "i came out to my parents and i guess that was the last straw for him." jimin said, adding a light and forced chuckle. yoongi looked at him with so much sadness in his face, jimin almost broke down right then and there. yoongi said nothing, just pulled jimin into his arms. "god, im so sorry. stay here as long as you want, okay?" yoongi said to him lovingly.

later that night, when they crawled into bed and yoongi was already fast asleep, something in jimins heart finally broke. he moved to the edge of their bed, curling into himself as rough sobs shook his body. he tried his hardest to keep it quiet, but yoongi was woken up by it nonetheless. yoongi reached his arm out to switch on the lamp, and the moment he did, his eyes landed on a sobbing jimin. "oh, sunshine." yoongi mumbled sadly, lifting his body up and cradling him in his arms. "i knew you werent okay," yoongi said gently, "its okay to cry, baby. im here." 

jimin suddenly halted his crying, wiping his eyes. "no. no, im not upset. you know why? because i cant let him make me upset for believing what i believe in. if he doesnt like who i am or who i date, that his problem, not mine." jimin said sternly, looking out ahead. yoongis heart pounded his ears, "are you sure?" he asked him gently. jimin gave a curt nod, kissing yoongi gently on the cheek. "im proud of you. fuck, im so proud of you for being so strong." yoongi said, his hand running through his hair.

jimin said nothing in response, looking over to yoongi as a thought came into his head. "can we buy a puppy?" he asked bluntly, making yoongi laugh. "sure, whatever you want." yoongi answered seriously, making jimin smile widely. "im going to name him after taehyung, so that when tae is around ill say 'i love you tae' and he'll think im talking about him but im actually talking about my dog!" jimin giggled childishly, sleepiness making his mind fuzzy. yoongi smiled fondly, pulling jimin into him. "sounds perfect to me." yoongi muttered.

and just like he promised, the next day yoongi took jimin to the nearest pet store (which wasnt actually very near), to pick out their puppy. jimin spent probably half an hour trying to decide between two puppies, yoongi trying to help out as best as he can. "jimin, if we get this dog you cant name it taehyung because its a girl." yoongi warned him, and jimin just nodded knowingly. "i know! i changed my mind! im going to name her nari." he explained, making yoongi smile. he had always liked that name.

"i thought you were gonna name it taehyung!" taehyung pouted as he sat beside jimin. nari leaped into taehyungs lap, immediately cuddling into him. jimin smiled, "her name is nari taehyung park-min." jimin told him. taehyung laughed loudly, "so shes like your and yoongi hyungs daughter?" he asked jokingly. yoongi and jimin looked at each other and then back to taehyung. "yeah, i guess so." yoongi chuckled, heart leaping.


a/n thiS WAS SLOPPY AND THE PLOT WAS RLLY RANDOM LIKE IT WENT FROM SAD JIMIN TO BUYING PUPPIES LIKE WHAT IM SO SORRY but i wanted to get a chapter out for you all bc tomorrow i go back to school after an entire week of snow days and im sure i'll be swamped with homework..ugh..


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