part 17 // star gazing

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(a/n please read authors note at the end, some info about a new book!)

yoongi had no idea who the boy was, or anything about him, actually. but when we saw the small boy with bright red hair laying on his back in the middle of the park that he had to walk through on his way home from work, he had the sudden urge to go talk to him. "i haven't seen you before, are you from around here?" yoongi casually said as he plopped himself down next to the bright haired boy. looking a bit startled, the boy quickly sat up and ran a quick hand through his hair. "huh? oh- um- hi? no, im from busan, but i transferred schools so im staying here." the quite confused looking boy explained to him.

yoongi nodded slowly and stayed silent for a moment before speaking up again, "can i- uh- can i join you? in whatever you were just doing?" the boy thought for a moment and then smiled at him widely, "sure! i mean if you want to, im pretty uninteresting, though. my names jimin, by the way! park jimin." yoongi instantly shot him a slight smile back and proceeded to introduce himself, "hey, jimin. im yoongi."

so then, jimin laid back down on his back, in the same position yoongi had found him in, and yoongi decided to take that as an invitation for him to lay down, too. so, he dropped his very heavy bag that was filled with his recording equipment, and laid down on his back alongside jimin, adjusting his beanie slightly in the process. "so, tell me about yourself. hobbies? interests? your already watching the stars with me so you might as well tell me about you, too." jimin said to him, a couple minutes later.

yoongi wasn't really used to talking about himself to anyone, ever. so it took him a few seconds to come up with the answers. "um- well, my name is min yoongi, im 24, and i was born here in daegu." he explained vaguely, with a small shrug of his shoulders. "thats it? thats all you got?" jimin laughed while turning his head to gaze at the boy laying next to him.

yoongi awkwardly coughed before deciding to start up again, "sorry, uh- i work part time at a book store and the rest of my time is spent in the studio that i work in with my friend, namjoon. um, i really enjoy playing basketball as well whenever im free, but i never really have time for it so thats a bummer. um, yeah, thats really about it i guess." when yoongi finished, he mentally slapped himself for sounding so awkward and weird.

"thats cool. do you make music or something?" jimin smiled widely at him for what seemed like the millionth time. "uh, yeah- yeah i do, actually. i write and produce my own music. i mainly rap because i cant sing for shit." yoongi chuckled while smiling to himself. jimin stayed silent and nodded. he was really impressed. "so, what about you? mister star gazer." yoongi broke the silence, trying to take the focus off of himself.

"my names park jimin, i was born in busan, im 21, and im a dancer. i go to the daegu school for the performing arts and on the weekends i give tours at the nearby history museum. yeah, i know, its pretty lame." jimin explained to him while adding a small laugh at the end. yoongi smiled back at him and nodded fondly. a dancer. thats really cool, he thought to himself. by the time they were finished chatting, it had already become pretty dark and it was the perfect time to look at the stars.

"wow." jimin sighed as he looked up at all the twinkling lights in the sky. yoongi hadn't even realized how close jimin had got while they were talking. now, he was so close that their shoulders were touching. yoongi had to work hard to steady his breath from the small amount of contact. "its really pretty, dont you think?" jimin smiled as he moved to rest his head on top of yoongis stomach.

instinctively, yoongi moved his hands to run his fingers through jimins hair. when he realized he was doing it, he almost immediately pulled away, but he then noticed that jimin didn't really seem to mind the gesture and his hair was really soft. yoongi didn't pull away. so, as jimin gazed at the beautiful stars, yoongi gazed at the beautiful boy, who was his for the moment. and he really liked it that way. "yeah, it really is pretty." yoongi finally answered jimins previous question. except, he wasn't looking at the stars. he was looking at him.


a/n yAY FLUFF ! THIS WAS REALLY CUTE TO WRITE AHH ! i hope you guys liked it ! i also hope that it was a nice break from all the angst i have been writing recently ahaha .

lots of love, namjoon1994 ! (im going to start a taekook one shots book as well, would you guys read it ?)

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