part 25 // soulmates

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in this world, there is only one person made for you. your one true love. and they say that when you meet, you'll just know. that is, if you ever do meet. you see, some just arent lucky enough to find their person. that doesnt necessarily mean they dont ever find love, it just means they havent found the one made for them yet. and they might never. but most do.

it wasnt so easy for park jimin and min yoongi, though. they were both on opposite sides of korea, neither of them had ever traveled outside of their hometown. but they both knew that they were missing something. or in their case, someone. because even though they had no idea who each other were, they still felt the hole in their chest that the other is supposed to fill up.

jimin had spent alot of his young life, wondering when he would meet his person. yoongi, on the other hand, didnt really care much. i mean, sure he wanted to meet them. but he couldnt bother trying to search for who it was. but secretly, every night, he hoped and prayed that soon someone would come into his life, and make his pain go away.

yoongi had always suffered from depression. and it wasnt that bullshit stuff people make up when theyre a little sad. it was real, true, and fucking terrible depression. his mother claims it was caused by his father leaving him at a young age, and the bullying he experienced during his earlier school career. but he himself, didnt think so. he honestly just thought that he was always just really, really, terribly sad all the time. which was, for the most part, true.

jimin was a somewhat cheerful, energetic being who would usually bring happiness to those around him. he did always feel the gaping sadness in his chest which he assumed was caused by the absence of his soulmate. but he continued to enjoy life as much as he could, and spend loads of time with his closest friend, taehyung. but sometimes, jimin would feel jealous of taehyung. for he had already met his person. and his name was jungkook.

but maybe, their luck would change. because somehow, jimin was suddenly sent off to live in daegu and attend a very prestigious dance academy. and even though he felt far from busan and all of his very close friends, his heart told him that something big was going to happen. and while jimin sat on the small plane that was set to take him to daegu, he squeezed his eyes shut tightly and prayed that maybe that 'something' would be his soulmate.

yoongi felt on edge all day. he didnt know what it was, but when he woke up one morning he had a feeling in the pit of his stomach. and he hadnt decided if it was a good or bad feeling yet. but he pushed though and went about his day like normal, lazily dragging his body out of bed and too school, and from there he would catch the train that would take him to the city. and thats where he worked part time at a dance academy. and no, yoongi did not dance. ever. but he did walk around and ask if anyone needed water or tell people which way the bathroom was (it was a very, very big school.) yoongi didnt particularly like the job, but it payed relatively well and he didnt have to do much.

jimin was nervous. like really, really nervous. as he walked up to the huge school in front of him, he clutched his schedule close to his chest and tried his hardest to think positively. he did as he was told to by a man at the front office, and headed to the office of what they called the counselor. he then proceeded to walk into the office slowly, and received a rather big smile from a woman at a desk. "hello there! you must be our new student! park jimin?" she grinned widely as she moved to look through some files.

jimin just nodded and tried his best to force a smile back to her. she then pulled out a file that had jimins name on it and handed him the paperwork inside. "so this is for you, you can fill it out later though!" she smiled as he took the papers from her hands. "and now ill get one of our employees to show you around, okay?" she picked up a intercom and before she spoke into it, she looked to jimin to answer her question. "okay." jimin squeaked out a word for the first time since he got here.

five minutes later, a boy came rushing in. "sorry," he panted, out of breath "i was in the c wing." he took some more breaths, "how can i help?" the lady smiled at him and then turned to jimin, "this is one of our employees, min yoongi! he will be showing you around today!" she smiled widely. "hi." jimin shyly waved at the blonde boy. "oh hey! i guess your stuck with me for today!" yoongi smiled slightly back at him and motioned for jimin to follow him out the door.

the moment yoongi had saw him, he knew. he knew jimin was his one. because the minute he laid eyes on his small red headed boy, the gaping feeling in his chest suddenly stopped. and all of a sudden, he didnt feel so alone. little did he know that jimin felt the same way. the minute he had saw the tired pale boy, the longing he had from searching for his soulmate didnt exist anymore. he didnt feel the constant sadness he had weighing down on him from the absence of his person. because he was there, with him. and jimin almost wanted to cry. because he had waited for this for so long, and the way yoongi spoke to him made him feel more at home than he had ever felt in his own home.

and even though we might never really know how it turned out between them, lets just say that jimin and yoongi will never feel more happy then when they are together. and that must mean something.


a/n ooooo dramatic ending.... anyways, did you guys like this? bc i really like writing it! 

lots of loveee, namjoon1994 ! (oh and there should be a part 2 of 'guilt' soon! probably next part! so watch out for that!

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