part 20 // distance

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(woohoo 20 parts already ! thank you guys for all the love and support ! please read the longer thank you in the a/n at the end !)

jimin was lonely. thats the only way he could describe how he felt right now. his boyfriend yoongi, had been on tour for almost three months now. and he just really, really missed him. jimin sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen, with skype open. he watched yoongis profile intensely, just waiting for him to get online again. the last time they had talked, was two days ago. it doesn't seem like too long, but to jimin, it felt like forever. after sitting there for probably 15 minutes, the red offline light next to yoongis picture, finally turned green. 

jimin smiled widely and quickly moved to call him. but before he got a chance to, yoongi was already calling. jimin chuckled lightly and pressed the answer icon. when yoongis smiling face popped up on his screen, he felt that empty feeling in his chest, fill again. "hi, babe!" yoongi happily said to him, hand giving a quick wave. "hey!" jimin sighed, relieved that he finally got to see his beautiful face again.

for most of the night, the chatted about all sorts of random things. all the way from how are you doing, to do you like the color red or blue better for the wall in our bathroom. by the time it was 11 o'clock yoongis time, it was 1 in the morning for jimin. jimin had never been too good with staying up late, but to talk to yoongi just a little longer, he would do practically anything. "hey babe? you look sleepy, why dont you go to bed?" yoongi smiled warmly at his tired looking boyfriend.

"what? no, im fine!" jimin exclaimed, yawning right afterwards. "its okay, you can go to bed. i'll be here tomorrow too!" yoongi nodded, still smiling at him. "you promise you'll still be online?" jimin said, head down a little. "i promise. oh, and i'll be home soon too!" yoongi cheered. jimin nodded, smiling widely. "okay, i'll head to bed now. i love you!" he waved at the camera on his laptop. "i love you too!" yoongi gave a slight wave back before blowing a quick kiss to him, and shutting off his computer. jimin sighed contently, and ran up the stairs to get to bed.


the next day, jimin had to get to dance school early in the morning. so he did regret staying up late just a little. he eventually dragged his ass out of bed, and got there just in time. at the end of the day, when jimin lugged his tired body back home, he saw a familiar car in the driveway. he quickly dropped his bag that was filled with his sweaty dance clothes and water bottle in their front yard, and sprinted through the door. when he ran inside, he went right to the living room. what he saw, immediately brought tears to his eyes. 

there was his beautiful boyfriend, sitting on their couch. and he couldnt be happier to see him. when yoongi heard jimin crash into the room he stood up and smiled, "surprise!" he yelled with a wide grin on his lips. happy tears spilled from jimins eyes as he clung tightly to yoongis warm body. "i- i missed you so much." he shakily whispered. "i probably missed you more." yoongi chuckled, holding jimin just as tightly.


a/n hey guys! sorry for this slightly short, and messily written one shot.. i was rushing because i start school tomorrow, and i wanted to put something out! oh and again, thank you for all the love and support all of you have given me. i dont know if you understand how much you guys mean to me. i love to write, and the fact that you guys actually like my (shitty) writing is amazing to me. so thank you so, so much for sticking around for 20 one shots ! there are definitely loads more to come !

lots and lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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