part 5 // insecure

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the past few days have been more than a little rough for jimin. some fans have been complaining that he doesn't have abs anymore, and he's not in the amazing shape that he used to be in. jimin usually just decided to keep brushing it off and continue to do his thing. but today it all just became too much. "they're right." jimin sobbed loudly on the bathroom floor of the little apartment he shared with his boyfriend, yoongi. "I'm letting them down." jimin continued to cry quietly to himself.

usually, his boyfriend would be here to comfort him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. but unfortunately, today yoongi had to stay behind at the studio a little later due to their new album coming out soon, and he was the last to record his lines. of course jimin doesn't blame yoongi, though. he doesn't know that jimin is in a bad place right now, because jimin himself didn't even know until an hour ago.

jimin stood up from his place on the floor and moved to stare at himself in the mirror. he lifted up his shirt with one hand and started examining his stomach. he looked up, disgusted at himself as he pinched all the places he had even just a little extra skin or fat. he backed up in to the wall and slid down to sit on the floor again before starting to cry hysterically at just how bad he thought he looked right now. then he started to think about yoongi. why was he with him? he's ugly and he doesn't deserve yoongi. he's perfect, jimin thought to himself.

suddenly, jimin heard the quiet click of the front door and patter of shoes entering into the apartment. knowing it was yoongi, jimin quickly moved to lock the door to the bathroom, not wanting yoongi to see him this way. "jimin?" yoongi yelled into the apartment, like he always did, trying too see if his boyfriend was still awake. jimin stayed silent and cried softly with his head in his hands, his mind still drifting to his earlier thoughts.

yoongi wandered to their bedroom to check on jimin, but when he found that he wasn't there, he started to worry. "jimin?" yoongi desperately yelled again, in search of the boy. but when he walked past the bathroom, he realized that the lights were on inside. "jiminie?" yoongi whispered while knocking on the door a couple of times, his ear pressed against the wood. when he could hear the faint sniffles coming from inside, though, he began to panic.

"jimin let me in! oh god, are you okay? please open the door!" yoongi said frantically, worried that something was really wrong with the only person that he truly loved in this world. jimin knew that he should let him in, but he didn't want yoongi to worry about him. so, he said nothing and didn't make any move to open the door. "jimin, if you do not open this door right now I will not hesitate to break it down!" yoongi threatened seriously, starting to get desperate.

jimins head snapped up at his words. that didn't sound too good, yoongi would probably end up hurting himself if he tried kicking in the door. jimin sighed, as he slowly made his way up to open up the door. when the door swung open, yoongi came face to face with his boyfriends red puffy eyes and messy hair, his back slouched over. "jimin? shit- jimin what happened? what's wrong?" Yoongi quickly scrambled into the bathroom and grabbed both of his boyfriends hands in his own.

jimin was so relieved to see him, he felt like most of the weight was lifted off of his shoulders at the mere sight of yoongi. but he just wasn't up for answering questions right now. so instead he stared into his boyfriends worried eyes, and then crashed his body into yoongis and held him so tight he was worried yoongi might not be able to breath within his grasp. "jiminie, what happened? please tell me that you're okay." yoongi whispered into their tight embrace. jimin sniffled and then broke down into more tears. he held yoongis shirt tightly as the tears flowed heavily out of his eyes.

It was then that yoongi realized that something was really, really wrong. "c'mon, jimin lets go to the bedroom." he whispered worriedly to his sobbing boyfriend, in attempt to calm him down. jimin quietly nodded and let his boyfriend softly lead him by their intertwined hands to their room. jimin silently sat on their bed and watched as yoongi sat down closely next to him. "jiminie, baby, what happened?" yoongi quietly asked once again.

jimin sighed loudly and looked up at him. "they don't like me because I don't have abs anymore." jimin sobbed with his head down, "I've let them down." yoongi felt his heart drop in his chest when he finally realized what jimin was talking about. "jimin, why are you reading those types of things again?" yoongi asked his boyfriend, knowing that this type of thing had hurt jimin in the past. he was a very sensitive person, a trait that yoongi loved about him. "I- I just couldn't help it." jimin cried out, "they're right."

yoongi shook his head sadly and spoke quietly but determined. "jimin, look at me. you're the most perfect person I have ever met. and I'm not just saying that. in all the years of my life, I have never met someone who is as beautiful and sweet as you. even if you don't have abs right now, your still hot as fuck, okay? believe me, you're beautiful. honestly, I don't know why your with me because you could do so much better. but I'm really glad you are. don't listen to those idiots, jiminie. all you need to hear is how much I love you, and how amazing you truly are."

jimin was still crying but this time it was happy tears flowing from his eyes. no one has ever said anything so heartfelt to him before. he thought his heart would burst in his chest. "I- I love you so much." jimin stuttered quietly, a small smile erupting on his face. yoongi smiled in return and kissed his forehead softly, feeling content with his speech. "and just for the record, you're the hottest person I've ever seen, too." jimin told yoongi, chuckling. and it was true.

yoongi laughed and thanked his boyfriend gratefully, even though he was fighting a blush from creeping onto his cheeks. and at that moment, jimin knew that yoongi was the one for him. (even though yoongi had known that they would be together forever from the first moment he had met jimin, though he won't ever admit it.)



lots of love (for jimin), namjoon1994 !

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