part 88 // angel

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though it may seem like he tried hard with his appearance, that was far from the truth. min yoongi was naturally a rather attractive person, to be completely honest. he had smooth, straight hair, fair skin with minimal spots or acne, and the pale complexion of his face made it hard to tell that he even had dark under-eye circles. he had always been thankful for that, so that he really didnt have to worry much about it. jimin always thought yoongi should take better care of himself.

it wasnt that yoongi didnt shower or anything, of course he always did. but yoongis hands were always dry and cracked, cut and bruised caused by carelessness and lack of attention. his knees were battered and scarred, bruised on the edges and sore. his rib cage stuck out because of terrible eating habits and his hip bones jutted out of his sides like daggers. each one of his fingernails were bloodied and bitten to the shortest they could possibly be, a habit yoongi had yet to overcome. jimin always told him to pay more attention to himself.

but despite all of this, there was a way yoongi managed to keep all of his outer problems in control. and that way, was jimin. because jimin always carried lotions and oils for yoongis dry, cut up hands. and jimin always brought band aids and gauze for yoongis knees, insisting on putting them on him himself. jimin always brought yoongi lunch so that he wouldnt be so skinny and always scolded yoongi when he would bite his poor nails. because even though yoongi didnt care much about himself, jimin always did.

yoongi remembers what it had felt like when jimin gently covered his hands in floral scented lotion, and what jimins nimble fingers felt like against his knee caps as he applied bandages to them. he remembers the food jimin always brought him and how he never forgot what yoongis favorites were. yoongi will never forget how jimins voice sounded when he scolded him for his nail biting and all the other times he was lucky enough for jimins voice to fill his ears. he remembers all of it, even though its gone.

now, yoongi always has cut up hands and too short nails. yoongis too skinny and his arms a little too thin. yoongis knees are always bruised and sore, with no one to help fix them up, to help fix him up. he no longer smelt like jimins floral lotion or had jimins sweet voice in his ears. jimin was always worrying about yoongi. but now there was no one left to save him.

on one autumn morning, when the wind was frigid and yoongis hands were dry, he found a small bottle of floral scented lotion in his bathroom cabinet. he opened the cap, taking in the soft smell. and suddenly, everything came rushing back. nights spent with jimin, both of them just laying on the floor of his bedroom and laughing loudly at each other. jimins bright smile, the one engraved in the back of yoongis eyelids forever. the sound of jimins laugh, the one reserved only for yoongi and his jokes. oh, how he missed his jiminie with all of his heart.

bruised knees

leafless trees

sunshine smiles 

and morning tea's 

you were my angel

always there, when i forgot my keys


a/n so yeah. idk jimins gone and its up to you to decide whether he passed away or just left. i decided to leave it up to your imagination! that poem at the end is written by me hehe, its so random.

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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