part 68 // nightmares

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almost every night, the same terrifying nightmare plays on a loop in yoongis head. hes in a dark room, and there is a booming voice filling his ears and making the ground underneath him vibrate from the volume, but yoongi just cant make out what hes saying. all of a sudden, theres jimin, and hes being held captive by a ghostly black hand that yoongi cant quite see the rest of. yoongis screams and pleads for them to let jimin go, to take him instead, anything. but he finds himself glued in place, unable to help no matter how hard he tries. and then, all he can see is jimins scared eyes, and the sounds of his screams as he wakes up in a cold sweat.

tonight, is one of those nights.

"no! stop, please! dont do that! stop! stop!" jimins eyes shoot open at the sound of yoongis piercing voice. he sits straight up, looking over to the thrashing boy beside him. tears are pouring out of yoongis clenched shut eyes, and his whole body is trembling from the nightmare. so, jimin stays as calm as he can, and does the same routine he does every time this happens. he straddles yoongis waist to keep him from thrashing around, and holds on to his shoulders gently. sure, jimin has countless bruises on his upper thighs due to the constant force of yoongis elbows ramming into him, but he just cant stand to watch him in pain.

"yoongi, baby, wake up." he says in a voice that is somewhere between a whisper and a normal tone. "baby, its just a nightmare, im here. its okay, im here." he says in the same voice as always, watching with sad eyes as yoongi continues to shake in fear. as always, the longer it goes on the harder it gets to keep yoongi still. so in the midst of all the squirming and thrashing, jimin gets hit in the eye. "shit-" he curses under his breath, sure that this would leave a mark in the morning. almost 20 minutes later, yoongis eyes finally shoot open. "baby? its okay, im here, your okay." jimin immediately pulled him into a tight embrace, yoongis arms gripping jimin desperately.

"ji- jimin?" yoongis hoarse and weak voice filled jimins ears, making tears prick his eyes. "im here baby, its okay. its me, im here." jimin chanted, saying the same things over and over just so that yoongi would be reassured. after a while, yoongi had finally calmed down some. "you okay, baby?" jimin whispered gently. yoongi inhaled sharply, looking to jimin. "y-you were- and i was- i coul- i couldnt-" yoongi started to ramble out, eyes filling with tears. jimin pulled him in once again, holding him tightly. "i love you, im here." jimin mumbled to him softly.

when yoongi had settled back down and they layed down once more, yoongi sighed loudly. "im sorry for waking you, sunshine." he said to jimin. jimin just shook his head, "you know i dont mind." he responded to him immediately, heart warming when yoongi called him sunshine, just as he always does. 

hours later, when they both finally woke up comfortably, jimin almost screeched at the sight of his own eye in the mirror. he knew yoongi had accidentally hit him in his slumber, but he didnt know it would give him a full on swollen black eye. "aish.." jimin sighed into the mirror as he tried to figure out a way to cover it up. he didnt want yoongi to see it, it would only make him feel guilty for something he didnt even mean to do. just as jimin was about to cover it with a large band-aid or something, the bathroom door opened.

"jiminie?" yoongi said loudly, worry filling his eyes as he looked at his boyfriend. "its- its nothing, baby, i was just-" jimin stuttered, trying to explain calmly. "did i- did i do that to you, sunshine?" yoongi muttered shakily, eyes filling with tears again. jimin sighed loudly, "baby, you didnt mean it, im okay, really i-" jimin said gently, sending him a smile. his words were cut off, though, when yoongi wrapped his arms around him from behind, limbs settling around his waist. "im so so so sorry, sunshine. i didnt mean to. im a terrible person, jiminie, im so sorry. i never meant to hurt you." yoongi apologized over and over shaking his head lightly.

"stop it, yoongi. im okay, i promise. you didnt do anything wrong." jimin said sternly, eyeing yoongi cautiously. "i know, but still.." yoongi mumbled after a moment, looking to jimins swollen eye. after, they stayed silent for a little while, just taking in each others presence. "i love you hair." yoongi suddenly giggled, pointing to the mop of untamed and fluffed out hair on top of jimins head. jimin blushed deeply, and scrambled to find a beanie, "ah, its so messy, it must look so-" but before he could finish his sentence, yoongi did. "lovely." he added on to jimins words, smiling fondly at him.

jimin slows his actions, looking to yoongi. he didnt quite know how to thank him for loving him as much as he does, so jimin decided to change the topic momentarily. "do you want to talk about it?" he says to yoongi, making his expression shift. "talk about wha- oh." yoongi says in realization, eyebrows drawing together in thought. jimin just nods lightly, gaze still fixed onto him. yoongi shook his head slowly, "its just the same one as always.." his voice trails off, as he looks away from jimin. jimin nods again in acknowledgement, knowing the nightmare he was speaking of.

"can we just get something to eat?" yoongi says, pouting slightly. jimin smiles that bright smile of his and grasps on to yoongis hand, nodding a few times. "course we can." he says gently, slipping into his jacket as yoongi laces up his own boots. "i love you, my sunshine." yoongi says casually, still looking down to his boots as his fingers quickly tie the laces. jimins heart swells at his words, "and i love you." he responds finally, breathing deeply.


a/n so i have a thing for yoongi calling jimin "sunshine" bc its the cutest thing evahhh, sorry this is so so sooooo sloppy babes :((

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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