part 26 // misunderstandings

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jimin and yoongi have been in a pretty solid relationship for almost 2 years now. sure, they've had their ups and downs but they are always still by each others sides in the end. but there was one thing that still gets on jimins last nerve even to this day. you see, yoongi wasnt really popular in school but for some reason he attracted literally every girl. he himself didnt even get why but he didnt really care much. he had no feelings for girls, so he didnt think it was that big of a deal when he would harmlessly flirt with them from time to time. especially when he thought he made it extremely clear that he was in love with jimin, and only jimin.

but jimin had a harder time being okay with it. at first, he just brushed it off and trusted that yoongi loves him just like he says. but recently, he had been feeling like maybe, just maybe, yoongi actually wanted to be with some of those girls. and jimin was just holding him back or something. of course, it was a stupid thought. and jimin kept telling himself that obviously yoongi loves him very much. but he just couldn't help thinking that way.

but today, something changed in jimin. usually he would just keep his anger and jealousy to himself, but when he had seen yoongi playfully winking to some girl while he was walking right next to him, he decided that he was done. he was done playing this god awful game and just wanted to tell yoongi how it really made him feel. so as they parted to go to separate classes, he made a mental note to talk to yoongi after his basketball practice. when the final school bell rang, jimin anxiously stood outside of the boys locker room for yoongi to come out. but when he had already watched almost all of yoongis fellow team mates leave, he decided to just go in. but what he saw was anything but what he expected.

yoongi, who was sitting on a bench, had a girl about their age on top of him with their lips touching. jimin recognized this girl. she had always had a thing for his yoongi and she wasnt very shy about it. and it made jimins blood boil. but because jimin was so full of sadness and anger at the sight, he failed to notice how yoongi was also struggling to push her off of him with his eyes wide open in disgust. but by the time he had managed to pry the girl off of him, jimin was already sprinting away.

when yoongi had finished telling the girl to leave him the fuck alone and never talk to him again, he ran as fast as his tired body could all the way to jimins house. because they had been together so long, and yoongi was close with jimins parents, he had a key to jimins relatively small house. so when he finally made it there, he jammed the key in as fast as he could and ran up the stairs to jimins bedroom.

"jimin? jimin, are you here?" he said as he jogged down the small hall where jimins room was at the end of. when he opened the creaky door and saw jimin on his knees in the middle of the room with his head in his hands and his shirt tear soaked, yoongis heart broke in half. "jiminie, please let me explain. you know i would never do this to you." yoongi gently whispered as he cautiously entered the room, not wanting to upset jimin anymore. since they had been together for a very long time, and jimin still fully trusted yoongi (for the most part), he nodded his head and let him explain. so he sat up and tried his best to dry his puffy eyes.

yoongi took a death breath, "so that girl, shes crazy. she came in to the locker room and forced herself on me. i had no part in the kissing, it was all her. but by the time i managed to get her off me, you were already gone and i hope you know that i would never do this to you because i love you too much and i just oh my god i love you so much and i dont want you too ever leave me and i feel so terrible and i-" but yoongis rambling was cut off when his own tears started to flow down his face.

jimin expression softened and he moved to sit next to his boyfriend. he then gently took him into his arms and held him tightly. "its okay. i love you too. more than you know. and i meant to tell you this earlier but i really hate it when you flirt with those girls because it makes me feel like you might leave me. and that scares me because i know that i will never, ever, leave you." yoongi lifted his head to look at his beautiful boyfriend, "im so, so sorry. i wish you had told me earlier. i wont do it anymore, i promise. i dont ever want you to be upset." his strained voice whispered.

jimin nodded and smiled, not feeling the need to say anything else. so he just kept yoongi in his arms as he moved to lay down on his bed. they stayed like that and while jimin listened to the soft hum of yoongis breath, he just kept thinking about just how lucky he really was.


a/n hey guys! im suuuuper sick so sorry this is terribly written. its dedicated to blahblahot12 for the great idea that i butchered into a terrible one shot! ugh im sorry, the next part will be a part two to the story where jimin cheats and in promise it will be better!

lots of love, namjoon1994!

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