part 30 // loose you

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(please read a/n at the end guys! love ya~)

yoongi had been busy studying for his final exams. he didn't mean to make jimin upset with the way he wasnt paying much attention to him, it just happened. yoongi never really cared much about school or exams before, but now he was determined to do his very best. and the reason for that, was jimin. yoongi knew jimin loved him for exactly who he was, but he was quite embarrassed when grades came out and his werent even close to what jimins were.

so while yoongi was bent over a text book almost every hour of the day, jimin was a little lonely to be quite honest. he didnt realize until now that since he was so used to being around yoongi all the time, he hadnt even talked to his friends in forever. so he decided, to call jungkook. an old friend of his from back home in busan. and no, it wasnt to make yoongi jealous, jimin would never even think of anything like that. he was too sweet.

but when yoongi lifted his head up, just for a moment from his textbook, and saw jimin in the corner of the library giggling at something jungkook said, he would be lying if he said it didnt make his blood boil. yoongi took a deep breath, and moved his gaze elsewhere. 'chill out yoongi, hes still your boyfriend.' he thought to himself. but when he just couldnt help it and moved to look at them again, he lost it a little.

yoongi shoved his text book to the other side of the small table (almost making it fall to the ground) and then stood up, forcefully moving his chair backwards in the process. he then proceeded to quickly make his way over to the two giggly boys in the corner. when he finally stopped in front of them, he tried his best to keep his cool and not act bothered. "hey, uh- jimin- can i talk to you for a moment?" he forced out, through gritted teeth.

jimin stared wide eyed up at his boyfriend from his seat before nodding quickly and sending jungkook a small smile. he then was dragged out of the library by yoongi while he could hear jungkook say a small 'uh, see ya later, then' from behind them. yoongi finally let go of jimins hand when he dragged both of them out of the library door and then quickly stood directly in front of him. honestly, yoongi was mad. pissed, actually. but he didnt really feel as mad as he was a few seconds ago. just kinda sad, actually. yoongi stared at jimin for a couple seconds before leaning forward and clutching to his boyfriends torso. "please, dont ever leave me." yoongis muffled voice said against jimins shirt. jimin stared down at him, shocked.

"what? of- of course i wont- i- i would never." jimin stuttered out. he was honestly just very confused about this whole thing. did yoongi think that he didnt love him? of course he loved him. he loved him more than anything, and he would never even think about leaving him. ever. "i just- i dont want to lose you..and you were with jungkook and not me- and-" but yoongi stopped, and took another breath to try and calm himself, because he was kinda loosing his shit and it was making him look crazy.

jimin was confused as hell, slowly loosing his balance from yoongis weight, and suddenly sad at the thought of loosing yoongi at all. but all he knew for sure was that yoongi was upset and he needed him. so he would be there. "cmon, lets go sit." jimin cooed to his boyfriend while slowly leading him to a nearby bench.

when they sat, and yoongi let go of jimins torso, jimin wrapped his arms properly around yoongi and pulled him close. "whats wrong, baby?" he quietly whispered to yoongi when he finally felt his breath even out against him. before it had been quick and jagged, like he was running.

"i dont...i dont know." yoongi ran his hand through his hair and sighed loudly, "im just- im sorry." and jimin knew, even without saying, what he was apologizing for. jimin always seemed to know what was on yoongis mind. "you dont need to be sorry. im proud of you. i really am." jimin smiled at him widely and ran his own fingers through yoongis soft messy hair. he was actually really, really proud of how seriously he was studying.

"really?" yoongi said quietly, almost as if he was expecting jimin to say he was disappointed in him instead of proud. "of course i am, silly. i always am. no matter what." jimin chuckled lightly and moved his gaze out in front of him, staring off into space. "i love you." yoongi suddenly broke the silence with his low voice, arms still softly clutching his boyfriend.

jimin sat for a moment, not quite hearing what yoongi had said because of his other thoughts. "oh my god! yoongi, you were jealous, werent you!" he laughed loudly when the realization finally came to him. yoongi must have seen him laughing with jungkook while he was studying earlier, he thought to himself.

"shut up, jimin. gosh." yoongi groaned while covering his blushing face in the crook of jimins neck. and jimin found it absolutely adorable. "i love you too, dummy." jimin laughed as he held a embarrassed yoongi close to him and thought to himself that even though jungkook is great, he is so happy to have yoongi be his and no one but him. because he didnt want anyone but him, and he hoped yoongi felt the same. (which he did.)


a/n hey guys! so i hope you liked this fluff filled chapter featuring an adorable jealous yoongi! the next chapter will be out soon as well, bc i have already written it in advance! sorry this was really random and sloppy and short.. forgive me. oH AND GUYS GUYS GUYS, PLEASE LEAVE ANY QUESTIONS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS! IM GOING TO BE DOING A Q&A ABOUT ME CHAPTER! JUST BC I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I WANT YOU TO GET TO KNOW ME! SO YEAH! ...but if you dont want to thats okay too..

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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