part 12 // girlfriend

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"so, why exactly do you want me to do this?" nari asked her cousin, a bored look plastered across her features. "because im trying to make my friend, jimin, jealous!" yoongi explained, stressing the friend part. nari nodded and agreed eventually. "hey, jimin!" yoongi smiled widely as he walked up to his friend in the grocery store. this wasnt the original plan, but since they just happened to see him, he decided to go with it.

jimin turned in his direction and smiled widely in return. "hey, yoongi hyung!" he called, walking over to him. his smile quickly faded as his eyes shifted over to look at nari. "whos this?" he said, eyes obviously worried. "oh, this? this is nari, my.. my girlfriend!" yoongi said, almost stumbling over his words in the process.  jimins face immediately filled with sadness, but he kept being the polite person he always was and introduced himself. "hi nari, im jimin. its- uh- its nice to meet you." he said quietly.

before yoongi could say anything else jimin told him that he really needed to get going, and quickly went to pay for his things before hurrying towards the exit frantically. "he looked hurt."nari said, feeling guilty as they watched jimin leave. "i- i know. but that means its working, right?" yoongi said, heart dropping.


"i dont get it! i thought he liked me!" jimin complained dramatically to his friend, jungkook. "i know dude, im sorry. i thought he liked you too!" jungkook patted him on the back comfortingly, nodding in agreement. for the next week or so, jimin decided that he just needed a break from seeing yoongi, and hung out with jungkook for most of his free time. on the occasions that yoongi ever saw them out together, he could feel his blood boil with jealousy, but then he would remember that it serves him right, since he did the same to jimin.

"you should just go talk to him!" nari encouraged him, smiling at her cousin sweetly. "i can totally tell that he likes you, so just go! stop being such a pussy!" she said, chuckling at how yoongi scowled at her for calling him that. "your right." he muttered, sighing. he stood up, ready to go talk to jimin, but before he did, he needed to do something. he walked over to nari and pulled her into a hug. "thank you. for bringing me back to my senses." he said.

she nodded and smiled, before pushing quickly him out the door, "go go go!" she said, "win your boy back!" she cheered, thinking about just how cute jimin and yoongi would be together.


'meet me in the park in 15 minutes. love, your yoongi hyung.'  jimin read over the sticky note that was stuck to his bedroom window the following hour. "should i go?" he asked jungkook, who was lazily scrolling through phone. jungkook looked up at him like he was absolutely crazy. "duh, you should go! why are you even asking? bye, leave. leave now!" jungkook shoved him out without a second thought about the matter. jimin chuckled and started walking to the park.

"jimin?" he heard a voice call his name when he finally made it all the way there. he looked up to see yoongi sitting casually on one of the swings. "hi." jimin said quietly as he approached him with slow steps. "h- hi." yoongi coughed awkwardly, "I didn't think you would actually come." jimin looked at him in disbelief, "of course I would." jimin said, offering him a small smile.

"look jimin, I am so sorry." yoongi just began to apologize, "I know that what I did was wrong but I- I just didn't know what else to do. what I'm trying to explain is that the girl was not actually my girlfriend. she was my cousin. I just wanted to make you jealous because I didn't know if you felt the same way as me. I- I just really like you. a lot. but I understand if you don't like me bec-" but he was cut off when jimin grabbed a fist full of his shirt to pull him foreword and smashed his lips against his own.

when he pulled away, yoongi was staring with wide eyes and tinted red cheeks. "so- so you do feel the s- same?" he stuttered pathetically. jimin rolled his eyes and laughed lightly, "of course I do!" yoongi sighed in relief at his words and slung an arm around jimins broad shoulders. "your cousin is kinda hot though. if i were into girls." jimin laughed. "hey, hey watch it buddy!" yoongi glared at him playfully.

jimin saw the jealousy on yoongis cute little face and kissed him on the cheek, "not as hot as you, though." "I- I uh- t- thanks." yoongi sputtered, he had never been called that before. "okay, let's go! It's freezing out here!" jimin yelled as he tugged on yoongi's arm to walk back to his place, "I can't wait for you to meet jungkook!" jimin smiled. "yeah, yeah." yoongi said, he obviously wasn't jealous anymore so he was curious to see who this jungkook person actually was.


a/n hey guys ! sorry this took so long to get up, it took a while for me to figure out what was gonna happen and all of that ! but here it is ! i hope you liked it ! its dedicated to blahblahot12 bc that was their request ! i hope you enjoyed !

lots of love, namjoon1994 ! (oh and if you want, you can also follow me on twitter: oopstaehyung and tumblr: nightmarenamjoon !)

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