part 89 // heartbeat

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jimin is in math class, his mind working hard to come up with a solution to a certain problem, when he receives a call. his phone is on silent, laying face up on his desk but he can still see when an incoming call is on there. it rings three other times before he finally asks to be excused. "hello?" he asks slowly, the number had been unknown. "jimin? hi, this is min soojin, yoongis mom. do you think you have time to come over today? its urgent." she says in a tone that sounds like shes trying to maintain her composure, but its hard.

jimin knows hes skipped one too many math classes before, but if yoongis mother is calling then math class will have to wait. "sure thing, mrs. min. i'll be over in-" he checks the clock on the wall in the hallway he was currently in, "fifteen minutes." he finishes, before ending the call. instead of telling his teacher, or the secretary, or anyone for that matter, jimin just leaves. he didnt have time for all of that at the moment.

jimin arrives at yoongis place almost exactly at the time he said he would. "yoongis locked himself in his room for almost three days, dear. he gets like this sometimes. would you mind just trying to talk to him for me? i think if anyone could do it, it would be you." yoongis mother explains to jimin as she lets him inside, her voice sounding sweet and gentle and very, very worried. jimin just nodded, before politely slipping off his shoes and trudging up the stairs.

the door to yoongis bedroom is unlocked, but he doesnt want to just bombard him. so, instead he knocks lightly. all that is heard from the inside of the door is a small grunt of acknowledgement. "yoongi? hey, its jimin, baby." jimin says just loud enough so he knows that yoongi will hear him. when he gets no response, jimin twists the knob of the door, just poking his head inside. yoongi lays sprawled out on his twin sized bed, one of his arms haphazardly hanging off the side and all of his other limbs spread out. his eyes are open but hes staring off, a vacant look in his eyes.

jimin steps inside this time, quietly shutting the door behind him before he moves forward, sock covered feet padding across the floor. yoongi doesnt even look at him when he takes a seat on an empty space on his bed. "yoongi, baby, would you look at me?" jimin says gently, one hand coming up to brush yoongis bangs away from his forehead. yoongi lazily drags his eyes over to jimins face, and jimin feels an odd sense of relief wash over him. 

"baby, whats wrong? your mom called me." he then said, watching as yoongi slowly sat up, his back propped against the headboard of his bed. yoongi merely shrugged, eyes dark and lost. "little sad, thats all," he shrugs again, "happens sometimes." he acts as if its casual, as if jimins heart doesnt ache to take his pain away. jimin hates the look in yoongis eyes. the empty, tired eyes. it makes him feel sick.

its only then, that jimin realizes yoongi is only wearing a loose pair of sweatpants, his pale skin out in the open. its nothing jimin hasnt seen before, but he looks thinner, weaker. jimin hates that, too. "have you been eating?" jimin asks, even though he knows the answer already. yoongi says nothing for what feels like an eternity. "you didnt call me baby." was all that he said. jimin lets a hollow chuckle erupt from his chest. "have you been eating, baby?" jimin rephrased his previous question.

yoongi sighed almost inaudibly, "not hungry." he finally answered, this time not looking at jimin, but out the window. jimin took this time to look at yoongi, look at the way his ribs poked out and just how damn miserable he looked right now. "can you talk to me, baby?" jimin says to him, and yoongi knows what he means. he means talk like, really talk. about his feelings and such. thats always been a difficult thing for yoongi to do.

so, he just shrugs weakly again. "i feel a little lost, you know? its hard to explain. sad. thats the only word i can think of." yoongis explains vaguely, still not looking at jimin. before jimin got a chance to respond, yoongi speaks up again. "whats the date?" jimin fishes his phone from his pocket, pressing the home button. "seventeenth." he answers, confusion evident in his voice. "shit," yoongi starts, "been in here for what? like, two days?" he laughs lightly but theres no humor to it. it makes jimins chest ache.

"can i- can i stay with you?" jimin asks, slowly. yoongi knows what he really means is can i help you, but hes grateful for the way he phrased it. all yoongi does is nod once, moments later. and thats all jimin needs. he slips his jacket off, leaving him in a thin pullover. he then crawls his way to where yoongi is sat in the corner of his bed, gazing vacantly out of his small window. jimin takes his boy into his arms, holding him close and resting his head on his shoulder. he knows yoongi needs his time, so he says nothing. just looks out the window, hands on yoongis chest, so he can feel his heartbeat.


a/n yoongi is me, guys. but thats okay. im glad i have a place to express my feelings, you know?

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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