After getting kicked out of the bar, Vince gets brutally attacked outside the bar. (sometime after the altercation)
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Vince Schneider snagged one of the bottles of Jack Daniels as he stormed right out the front door of the bar without thinking of where to go he just kept walking until the breeze hit his face as he uncapped the whiskey and took a messy swig as he stomped over towards his car that was parked in the alley parking lot area behind the bar as he starts to take another messy swig of his drink leaning against his car as he rose the whiskey to his lips until his phone rang— either some asshole picking a fight with him, his boss complaining that vince doesn't do enough in the shop, or someone fucking with him. As intoxicated as he was, vince picked up the phone as he used his other hand to take another swig of his whiskey. "Hello?"
"Hello, Vince."
yeah, I'm not falling for this shit , vince thought.
"What's your favorite scary movie?" The voice asked.
Vince hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket, about to raise the whiskey bottle to his lips again until he felt his phone vibrated against his pocket and he reached for it again and answered, feeling the looming effects of a headache.
"Why'd you hang up on me?" The voice asked, playful, the deep voice was eerie, and unsettling.
"I don't give a fuck," vince said, ready to hang up again.
"Don't fucking hang up on me or I will gut you like a fish." The voice yelled.
"Look, fucker, I'm not playing this game. fuck off or I'm calling the fucking cops," Vince snarled.
"Oh, they'll never make it in time." The voice said.
"Whatever, I'm hanging up now," Vince stated and hung up.
He went to grab his whiskey when his phone rang again. fucking seriously?
Vince huffed angrily, grabbing his phone holding it up to his ear, "What the fuck do you want, asshole!" Vince said, not in the mood for any fucking games.
"I told you not to hang up on me, Vince."
Vince swallowed, skimming around his surroundings as he still held his whiskey with his other hand.
"Let's play a game, Vince. I give you three trivia questions, you answer one wrong, you die," the voice spoke into his ear, "Topic is horror movies."
"Fuck off,"
"If you hang up you'll end up dead like your uncle".
Vince swallowed, eyes widened as a shudder ran down his spine.
"Who was the killer in A Nightmare On Elm Street? The voice asked.