taken (.v.s.)

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Instead of his fated death; Vince gets kidnapped

          ( Pretend this is Vince in Scream 5 thanks)

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          ( Pretend this is Vince in Scream 5 thanks)


Vince dove down through his opened window to get the key out of the ignition. With a frustrated huff, he looks over before getting back up with a sigh. As he had stood up, a bag flew over and wrapped around his face as he was yanked back. Vince lets out a muffled grunt as the bag was tightly wrapped around his face until he goes unconscious, the bag was still over his face as zip ties were looped around his wrists and ankles and he was taken and thrown on the backseat. His purple Dodge Charger pulls out and sped off with Vince in the trunk.
   Amber grabs Vince's phone that's on the dashboard and takes out his SIM card so he can't be tracked. Vince shakily snapped his eyes open and starts looking around and it's pitched black. A muffled groan escaped Vince as he shakes his head which still has the bag over it tugging at the zip ties, groaning as he starts to panic, tugging as hard as he can as he lets out a muffled loud groan in the trunk of his own car hoping someone would hear him.
He panted, looking around wildly once the bag came off his head, looking around nervously as he shakily starts groaning and banging his zip tied hands against the side of the trunk and he used his legs to kick at the door of the trunk. Groaning louder as he heard his radio station begin to play "Red Right Hand" which made Vince groan louder against the tape as he shakily tugged at his zip ties.
Vince turned his head to the side and lets out muffled groans as he kept shaking his head and tugging as hard as he can. Gravel starts crunching causing Vince to shakily flicker his eyes nervously, muffled panting as the brakes squeak to a stop as footsteps approach to the trunk of the car. Tears were filling his eyes as his heart hammered in his chest as the trunk of the car rips open.

  A masked figure grabbed Vince, dragging him out of the trunk. Vince lets out muffled groans as he thrashed hard against him until a rag was put over his face despite the tape over his mouth and Vince let out muffled groans as he tries to lodge the rag away but whomever done this was a natural and had Vince unconscious again in seconds. Dragging Vince inside the large house and dragged him in her bedroom attempting to keep him upstairs.

The raven-haired girl felt the weight on her shoulders. Her mind was still in disarray after the bar incident and with the little monologue Mindy said about everyone being suspects. She knew she was instantly gonna be caught. She can't finish this let alone kill someone. She felt sweat fall from her brow as she looked at her mask sitting on her desk where she had thrown it after kidnapping the Vince guy. She didn't deserve the mask. She didn't play the role right, hell she failed to kill Tara and that only got her a brutal lecture from Richie. Amber frowned as she touched her cheek, a bruise from when Richie had slapped her because she couldn't finish the job. Now she'll have to get a worse beating than her first.

She pressed the bruise hard, the pain was her only comfort and she thought about a plan. Amber lets a pained gasp leave her mouth as she soon went back to the present once she heard muffled groans coming from the closet. Amber blinked and walked over towards the closet, swinging the door open and she was face to face with the Vince guy.

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