red cold river (.v.s.)

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Vince gets his ass kicked brutally by Ghostface!

Vince gets his ass kicked brutally by Ghostface!

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Just as Vince leaned back out of his car, a knife slammed into his side which had him pinned against the hood of his car. As if on instinct, Vince swung his fist but Ghostface was several steps ahead as he rammed the knife in Vince's palm, twisting it in his palm back and forth, blood dripped from his managed hand, pooling on the ground beneath him. He clenched his jaw, trying to maintain his facade despite the excruciating pain which the killer found humorous as another knife ripped into Vince's other palm.

A howl of pain erupts from Vince, he used his legs to try and kick his attacker. "You fucking psycho! Who the fuck are you?!"

Ghostface grabbed a fistful of the fabric of Vince's favorite flannel and ripped it off and aggressively grabbed Vince's jaw forcing the balled up fabric in Vince's mouth, silencing his screams making them incoherent. The killer then twists a knife in Vince's palm, howling in agony, feeling the tang of fear on his tongue as he muffled out a yell. Vince's never felt so helpless... so vulnerable.

With a grunt, he arched his back, attempting to wiggle away from the excruciating pain. The knives in his palms cut deeper into his flesh with every movement, and the metallic scent of blood fills Vince's nostrils.

Ghostface tauntingly rips the knives out of his palms, grabbing Vince by his throat and flinging him across toward the concrete.

Vince landed hard on the concrete, scraping his already mangled hands. The stinging pain only added to his list of injuries. His hands throbbed painfully, and blood seeped through his fingers.

Ghostface tilted its head, admiring Vince's broken state as he rammed his leg against Vince's side and stomach in an aggressive manner.

Vince let out a pained cough, wheezing from the aggressive impact. He curls himself into a protective ball, pain erupting through his body with each ruthless blow. Even with the adrenaline pumping through him, every strike is a brutal, breath- robbing shock.

The white masked figure wiped the blood away from his gleaming knife as he taunts Vince, seeing just how vulnerable the man truly had been.

Vince lets out a low growl, using the bricked wall as leverage, he pushes himself up on shaky arms. He looked up through tear-streaked cheeks, chest rising and falling with ragged breaths.

Nick Cave's "Red Right Hand" began to play through Vince's doom.

Taking deep breaths, blood dripping from his hands and staining the concrete below. His eyes sweep around the alley cautiously looking for any signs of Ghostface again

His eyes squeezed shut, whimpering as he could feel nothing but pain erupt. As he shakily spoke, attempting to call his mother.

Tears of frustration welled in his eyes. He had to get away now.

Ghostface emerged out of nowhere and Vince lets out a shriek, attempting to move quick made him cry out, breathing heavily as he moved with a sob.

Ghostface's heavy breathing was heard causing Vince to cry out as his phone rang but his mother answered and Ghostface slammed his foot down on Vince's ankle.

Vince lets out a pained cry as his ankle is forcefully broken, pain flaring through his leg.


Ghostface grabbed Vince, pulling him back and stomping on Vince's phone.

"W-Why are you doing this?"

Ghostface grabbed Vince again, this time around Vince's throat pinning him against the bricked wall until police sirens are heard and Ghostface drops Vince and ran.

Vince felt lightheaded, the world around him spinning as he struggled for breath.

His vision blurred and his chest ached as he gasped for air. With the police arriving, he managed to stay awake despite how weak he was, watery eyes, barely audible whimpers escaping his lips. He wanted his mother, god he's never wanted his mother so badly until this very moment.

Vince's body racked with pain and his mind was slipping into darkness.

His conscious faded quicker than he could fight it, his mind plunging into a deep, dark sea. The only thing he could cling to before the waters completely swallowed him whole were the sirens echoing.

Word Count: 706 Words

      Word Count: 706 Words

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