What if Vince was arrested at the bar and Gale Weathers is the one who gets him out and she and Vince are to go and find Dewey and deal with it.
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Vince was still stuck in a holding cell, his head in his hands as it's been a day or so since he's been stuck in this cell after the incident at the bar. Once again the hour turned longer as the culprit was having a hard time staying awake. Yawning, Vince sluggishly leaned against the bench in his cell. His eyes drooped, and his head lolled to the side as he drifted off. Soon he was slumped over, eyes closed, breath soft. He had completely fell asleep.
His slumber was interrupted once the sharp sound of the cell began to slide open which jostled Vince from his nap. Vince looked around groggily, until he found the owner of the voice.
Gale Weathers.
The reporter rolled her eyes as Vince immediately wiped the drool off himself as he was released from his cell and they left the station in a hurry, Gale dragged Vince by his wrist. "What? What is-," But Vince doesn't have time to continue as the reporter rushed him towards her van and they drove them to the hospital where she knew Dewey had gone with Sam.
Vince was able to make out the flashing of red and blue.
However, Gale had slammed on the brakes and climbed out, leaving Vince behind.
His eyes looked up, and in the distance, he could see a couple talking.
He was looking around confused at the scene until he heard Gale's brutal cry.
Vince snapped his head over and found Gale, she had been held back by the couple and it echoed in Vince's mind of what happened.
He was still not caught up fully of all the events that he'd miss but he knew one detail was that Dewey Riley is dead.
He sees Gale as arms wrap around her and hold her in place as she tries to push back.
He could see Gale looking over at him and the two make eye contact.
Dewey, the man who had never given up on this town, the one who had seen Vince as a person and not the devil's spawn that was his uncle.
The man who had been the last social encounter when he had punched Dewey at the bar.
Was gone.
He could only make out Gale, she was in such a broken state and the nurses all dragged Gale in the ambulance so they could all wait inside. Vince nervously twiddled his fingers in the waiting chair opposite from Gale.
They sat in silence until Vince snapped his head up once he heard Gale gasp. "Sidney."
Vince turned around to see a brunette woman smile warmly at Gale and the two older woman embrace in a hug.
Gale and Sidney embrace once more until Gale's watchful gaze fell upon Sam. The two began to walk over towards Sam. Vince immediately followed after them, managing to stand in front of the two. "Look, I'm fine with all the bullshit chapters you use around my name written to filth because I'm the nephew of Stu Macher once this is all over," Vince continued firmly, wincing at the name of his uncle, "But you don't need to do this, especially not her, anybody but her."
He let out a sigh.
"Look kid, we need to know and we will find out one way or another."
Sidney seemed to be thinking of something to say until she brushed past Vince and walked toward Sam.
Sam spun around, still on edge.
"It's Sam," she deadpanned, fists clenched.
Her eyes fell upon Vince who stood behind Gale and Sidney.
Vince let out a scoff, rolling his eyes as they had asked Sam to help them commit murder.
He watched as Sam and the others had left.
"C'mon, I've already tracked her car."
Vince's eyes widened at her words as the two were attempting to get him to come with them after all of this. Once Vince climbed in the backseat. He relaxed slightly, glancing out the window as he than rubbed at his sore wrists after being released from the holding cell.
"Do you have any suspects?"
"No, I don't know anyone expect Sam, but she brought her dumb boyfriend, Richie."
Sidney's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the word "boyfriend." And Vince noticed from the mirror.
"What?" He asked them.
"Oh, nothing.. We just... we thought you two were together."
"I'm not interested.." Vince said.
But Vince felt a slight blush coming on his cheeks. What the hell am I on about? She's got a whole ass boyfriend.
"I'm not you, Gale." Vince said, Gale sort of friends despite it being a hard subject and he immediately recognized his mistake and he gone quiet.
"I'm sorry, I just don't think..." Vince drawled out, immediately shutting up as Sidney then realized where the Carpenters were going. "Shit."
"They're going to the Macher house."
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