touching (v.s.)

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Vince wakes up after being choked out by Ghostface . . . where is he now?

-Vince groaned quietly, cheek planted against the concrete as consciousness slowly came back to him— the last thing he remembered was

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Vince groaned quietly, cheek planted against the concrete as consciousness slowly came back to him— the last thing he remembered was . . . his piss against the bricked wall - ghostface? he wasn't entirely sure . . . but he knew something had grabbed his neck or something. with another pained groan,

Vince groaned again, his brain still struggling to recover as he slowly regains the ability to move properly.

"wh-what...what the fuck...."

Vince groaned  slightly as he attempted to push himself up on his hands and knees and attempted to go back to his mothers.

Word Count: 109 Words

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Word Count: 109 Words

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