the fall out (v.s.)

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Vince Schneider's falling out with Liv at the bar which gets even more heated than the movie

Vince Schneider's falling out with Liv at the bar which gets even more heated than the movie

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Vince Schneider grinned at the scene as he walked over towards the pool table. Hands clasped together as he looked at the joyless group of teens, mainly the one with pink streak highlights. "Yo, Liv.. Wanna real drink?" Vince drawled out as their heads all snapped over towards Vince. Chad was about to intervene in the conversation until Amber had stopped Chad, telling him not to do anything foolish but that didn't stop the urge for Chad to flex his muscles in front of Vince who was grinning from ear to ear. Amber wanted to wipe that grin off his face. She smiled widely at Vince as she shields Chad and the others. Vince tilted his head at Amber, narrowing his gaze at her.
"Was I talking to yo-

Amber rammed the fork in Vince's hand with no hesitation. Vince's eyes widened as he screamed out in agony. Everyone's eyes all snapped over towards the scene in front of him.

"Ow! You f-fucking bitch!" Vince shrieked out until Amber twists the fork in deeper causing him to scream even louder.

"You want to be seen as a tough guy huh?" Amber hissed coldly as Vince's eyes fell upon Amber's.

"If you are so tough, then let's see you get out of this." Amber smirked as Vince screamed on top of his lungs as she had him pinned against the pool table.

Vince shakily tried to pull the fork out of his hand but couldn't stop the searing pain as she and the others watched as Amber humiliated Vince.

"Stay there," she jokingly says as Vince kept trying to get the fork out of his hand which only caused him to scream out in agony that it was so stuck in the bone.

Amber grinned as she starts to fiddle with the fork. Vince screamed with only made her grin widen.

"S—Stop!" Vince says, screaming in pain from his hand.

Amber gestured her gaze toward Liv and the others who were watching the scene unfold with mixed emotions.

"Amber, that's enough..." Wes whispered toward Amber.

Amber kept her eyes trained on Vince as he looked extremely defeated as he kept trying to remove the fork but couldn't and she couldn't help but grin still as she grabbed the knife and pulled it out of his hand causing Vince to scream.

After the fork was out of his hand, Vince collapsed onto his knees, cradling his hand in agony.

Amber gets up with a smirk before they could be thrown out and she grabs Vince by his jaw and forced him to snap his head up. Vince eyed Amber as she smiled at him.

"See ya around, sweetheart." She jokingly says as she lets go of his jaw and starts to walk away leaving Vince behind at the bar.

The bartender walked over as Vince was still on his knees. Blood spurting from his hand and she grabbed a towel and wraps his hand causing Vince to groan and let out a sharp cry of agony after the knife protruding through his hand.

"Up you go," the bartender says as she helped Vince up and out of the bar with a towel heavily wrapped around his hand.
Vince saw Judy Hicks and he grumbled as The Bartender approached with a sigh as she knew that this wasn't gonna be pretty.

Vince immediately looked over and saw the police cars and he groaned in pain as he was gonna have to go to the hospital. Judy led Vince out and into the station. He grumbled as he slumped over as the bartender immediately started to get him to the hospital.

Sam and Richie both acknowledged Judy Hicks as she escorts Vince in the hospital. "Jesus, what the hell happened?" Sam asked, seeing Vince Schneider have a gaping hole in his hand.

"I'm fine." Vince lied.

"Picking fights with minors." Judy Hicks grumbled under her breath as Vince glared at her but didn't say much besides stare at her.

Sam and Richie both wait outside as Vince's hand is stitched up again. Vince was laying in a hospital bed, cradling his hand on his chest. The pain meds kicking in as he was forced to lay back down. Sam walked in to see Vince as she leaned at the doorway of his hospital room.

"You never change," Sam shook her head at Vince which caused him to smile. "Hey," he says, smiling up at Sam which only made her roll her eyes at how he always messes around.

"You need to take it down a notch with the fights." Sam says, sternly giving him a gaze which only made Vince roll his eyes at her. "She started it, she fucking stabbed me with a damn fork Sam." Vince tried to explain but she silenced him with a look.

"Because you heavily influenced that to happen with your own actions Vince.. besides, you are twenty-two years old and still chasing over the girl who hurt you.. seriously you need to grow a pair and move the fuck on with your life." Sam snarled.

Vince lifted his gaze up at Sam.

Sam's eyes rapidly scanned her surroundings as it was just her and Vince. Vince awkwardly looked down as he tries to hide his blush but Sam immediately went in for the kill.

She kissed Vince gently, before gripping onto his waist gently, running her hands over the small of his back as she admired his get up. His outfit consisted of his flannel and his black shirt with those tight ass skinny jeans which made his ass look so good.

She admired how he looked with a cast on his hand but he still was able to kiss her and make her feel uncomfortably wet.
Sam pulled Vince, kissing and sucking on the side of his neck causing Vince to let out a moan of pleasure.

Sam continued to suck and kiss his neck until her phone starts going off. Sam sighed out a soft annoyed sigh, she didn't really want to stop but Richie would start to get curious and Sam was eager to head back.

Vince grumbled under his breath as Sam adjusted her clothes smoothing them out and fixing Vince's flannel and smoothing out his hair a bit. Sam sighed once more and gave Vince one more kiss. "Be good,"

"No promises,"

Vince said before grinning at her.

Sam flipped Vince off before she left his hospital room.

Vince blushed and laid back down on his hospital bed as he begins to fall asleep.

 Word Count: 1,116 Words

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Word Count: 1,116 Words

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