Instead of Vince dying outside the bar, he gets arrested.
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After shit got real, the whole ordeal drastically changed the moment Vince was arrested. Now seated on the bench behind bars, Vince had rested his chin on top of his arms staring blankly down at his feet. The wait for his one phone call seemed so impossible that he was sure that it wasn't gonna happen. The male had slowly fluttered his eyes, feeling the simmering feeling of sleep weigh over him as he dozed off on his side of the bench. Once the door opened, Vince jolted up, looking up and he put his head up immediately seeing Judy Hicks scolding him, rolling her eyes before she unlocked the bars of the holding cell. Vince rubbed his eyes, following Judy out of the room so he could get his phone call. His trembling fingers were shaking as he punched in her phone number and he called her, voice shaky as he waits for her to answer. Leslie Macher never answered. Judy watched as Vince hesitated, calling again but still back to square one. Leslie never answered.
"Alright, Schneider." Judy said, nudging him to follow her which made him frown as he lowered his head shamefully as he obeyed and followed her back to his holding cell letting her shut the door.
"Get some rest, you look like shit."
Vince rolled his exhausted eyes, as he began to sit back down on the uncomfortable bench. Judy flicks off the lights and went to the hospital, leaving her deputies in charge of watching Vince.
He grumbled, laying on his side again on the bench, beginning to drift to sleep again wanting to forget about the incident at the bar as if it never happened and when he woke up he'd be back home being neglected by his mother. But unfortunately, the next morning dragged on and Vince woke in the cell immediately getting up once he heard voices.
"I told you last night, we could only hold him for 24 hours, and we've got nothing to charge him for."
Vince stared, dazed and walked up to the cell bars. "You're letting me go?" The man stared at her confused. "Yes, but don't start fights with minors again." The sheriff starts to unlock the cell. A relieved smile touched Vince's lips as he crackled his knuckles and stepped out of the cell, stretching and rubbing his sleepy eyes before following Sheriff Hicks out of the station so he could get a ride to his car and take his car back to his house as if he hadn't just been arrested.
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