Liv may seem all nice and sweet but Vince later learns that she's psychotic.. because that's the twist!
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Liv McKenzie stops, watching Vince's gaze hardening on Chad and she abruptly intervenes, grabbing Vince's wrist leading him away from the pool table as they were at the adult end of the bar, Liv brushed off the feeling of everyone's gaze and she lightly placed her hand on Vince's thigh, leaning into whisper something in Vince's ear. "Why don't you go find us a booth, I'll get us that drink," she huskily hissed in his ear.
With a grunt, Vince pushed himself away from the bar, his eyes transfixed on Liv's ass as she goes to get them drinks, unaware what she was doing.
Vince twiddled his thumbs, still angered by the altercation between but he immediately smirked as Liv returned with two large glasses of whiskey, Vince snatched the glass of whiskey and downed it in one gulp, watching Liv take sips at her whiskey.
An hour later, Vince was lost in this thoughts. Within moments, his body began to feel heavy and his vision became blurred. Head lolling back as he tried to focus on Liv sipping at her whiskey. Her voice sounded far.
"I...I don't know what.." His words slurred together as he struggled to keep his eyes open.
His hands clammy with sweat as the drugs hit him hard, "I...I don't...don't feel so good.." He mumbled, his speech slow and slurred. He could barely keep his eyes open, let alone get up on his own.
Vince attempted to push himself up, stumbling not fully aware what was happening to his body. He leaned heavily on the booth, his legs weak and his mind hazy. After a few moments, he felt himself being led out of the bar into the cold air that hit him like a ton of bricks.
"Just a little lightweight?" Liv hummed as she led him around the back of the bar, pulling off his clothes, lifting his limp arms up to pull off his black t-shirt from over his head. Undoing his pants pulling them down, gripping the waistband of his boxers pulling them down too completely exposing her drugged ex before putting the clothes on a doppelgänger that resembles Vince. Taking his wallet, phone and breaking the SIM card so nobody can contact or track Vince's phone.
Vince remained oblivious to Liv's actions, his mind and body unaware of the danger it was in. His body was limp and unresponsive as he'd been stripped and placed in a body bag.
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