Vince goes to prison for a crime he didn't commit.
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Vince Schneider was stripped of his innocence after being given a life sentence for a crime he didn't commit. His calm exterior crumbled as he was now in prison with men and women who were all older than him. He looked around lowering his gaze as he immediately sat by himself not wanting to draw attention to himself for anyone.
A guard nods at another guard, signaling for him to bring the next inmate. They introduce a young man in his early twenties, who looks completely lost and overwhelmed by the entire situation. The guard tells him to stand in front of the camera for his mug shot.
Vince hesitated, standing in front to get his picture taken. a tear rolled down his face as he shakily wiped his tear as he was then allowed to sit in the other room with the other inmates. The guards seemed amused by how frightened Vince was
The guards chuckle to themselves as the young man takes a seat amongst the other inmates. He looks around nervously, not making eye contact with anyone. The other inmates seem to sense his fear, and some of them leer at him, sizing him up as a potential target.
Vince lowered his gaze, shaking nervously until the guards allowed them to go to lunch cafeteria. Vince sat alone, keeping to himself as he continued sit there, hesitating.
In the cafeteria, a group of burly men with tattoos and menacing grins eye Vince from across the room. They whisper amongst themselves, clearly discussing the newcomer. One of them, a muscular man with a shaved head, gets up from his table and saunters over to Vince.
The muscular man approaches Vince and snarls, "Hey, new meat. You think you're better than us?"
"N-No." Vince stammered, putting his hands up.
The man sneers, "That's right you ain't. I'm Joey. Joey Fuckin' Dempsey. And this is my territory. You're gonna have to earn your keep around here, newbie."
Vince shakily nods, hesitating as he then is surrounded by these large men
The other men from Joey's gang move in closer, surrounding Vince completely. They look him up and down, sizing him up and smirking at his timid demeanor.
"What you in for?" A man grinned at Vince making him extremely uncomfortable
Joey smirks, "I'm in for a little bit of everything. But you don't have to worry about that. I'll protect you...for a price." He leans in close and whispers, "
"If you help us score weed from here, me and the boys will protect you.."
Vince immediately grew hesitant but he accepted anyway. Swallowing. "I-I'll do it."
Joey smiles. "Atta boy." He grabs Vince by his arm and dragged him to the table introducing Vince to the other men. Despite being protected, Vince still was the new fish.
He was fucked and he knew it.
Word Count: 491 Words
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