Vince Schneider wakes up in the middle of the night after a nightmare and his adoptive mother Adrian Prescott comforts him.
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Darkness. It was so dark. So helpless. Vince could hardly breathe. His eyes were wide. It was happening again-
He was leaning against the bricked wall, frozen with fear again as he sees a shadow swoosh by. He looked around but it was so dark and then his mind drawn him back to where it all started in '96. He was at her house, Casey's house. Vince shuddered, hearing that feminine voice as she held the phone to her ear.
He wanted to scream but he couldn't. A lump lodged in his throat as he saw a shadow in the night and there hung Casey Becker, completely hollowed out, with her insides on the outside, hanging like a Halloween decoration.
Vince woke up with a blood curdling scream. Drenched in sweat, tears trickling down his face. He's panicked as he looked around with tears, chest heaving as he struggled to breathe until Adrian came in, Mikayla at her heels as she looked over and saw Vince had no longer been intoxicated like how he had been at the bar. Mikayla lets that slide from their mother as vince was trembling, a thin layer of sweat drenched his face.
Vince sat awake, breathing hard and fast as he frantically shuddered, feeling the icy cold droplets of sweat trickling down his neck as he swallowed thickly, trying to breathe.
"It's alright sweetheart, you're okay." Adrain murmured softly to Vince as she kissed his cheek and ran her fingers through his sweaty hair before heading out.
Vince shakily pulls himself together, shuffling through his wardrobe to find his skinny jeans with his shirt and red and black flannel jacket. The Schneider boy stared at his appearance and hated what he saw.
Adrian came up behind Vince, wrapping her arms around her son and hugging him from behind as he shakily exhaled and he turned around and hugged his mother. Vince silently cursed at himself for being so vulnerable in front of her.
Vince jolted nervously out of his skin , letting out a terrified panting breath and continued shuddering.
"Honey, hey you're okay." Adrian murmured as she tries to calm Vince down. Mikayla walked over and sat beside vince as she rubbed his back gently trying to ease her brother.
Vince took a shaky breath as he completely ditched the idea of going to go for a drive. He looked over and saw Mikayla, her face laced with concern as she stared at her brother.
He took another breath before removing himself from the hug and he eventually got up and padded his way to the stairs to go for a drive to clear his head.
He drove along the streets of Woodsboro, which seemed less busy than it normally did. As he's turning around one of the roundabouts his eyes fixated on the school, his school, at least it used to be back when he had even gone to school.
Woodsboro High School was empty with the news about the current situation about how the schools were closing them even after everything had been fully taken care of.
Vince found himself parking his car nearby his original parking spot and stepping out.
His eyes scanned the empty area and found itself on nothing in particular but once he lifted his eyes up to scan the other side he saw him.
His face was so bloodied and severely burnt now, with blood along his blonde hair, his face tilted as he stared at him.
Stu Macher stared down at Vince who began to back up against his car, eyes widened as he starts to hyperventilate, blinking rapidly but that only got worse as stu got closer, eyes widened as quiet laughter erupted from the man's throat as he slowly took a step toward Vince, Vince stumbled as he moved away from his car.
Stu's laughter grew like wildfire as the more he blinked, the closer stu was, Vince had his back pressed against a tree as he was now face to face with Stu Macher.
By this point, Vince thought it was a dream, a nasty dream that he demanded he'd wake from immediately. Vince was at the brick of tears as he shoved whomever it was away from him and started running, completely ditching his car.
Vince shut his eyes as he ran and he didn't stop until he tripped over a branch and fell face first onto the ground. Vince shut his eyes tightly as he made contact with grass, covering his head with his arms and screamed as loud as he possibly could.
By that point, he was hysterical.
"Vince, sweetie you're okay."
"Mom, what's happening?"
Vince felt a pair of hands gently touch his shoulders and he immediately flinched and shocked them off, just screaming incoherently.
He didn't want to open his eyes, he knew if he did that he would just be around him.
"Fucking hell, what's wrong with him?" Mikayla asked her mother as she witnessed Vince screaming.
Listen to me, whatever you're seeing isn't there. Ok? Just take a few breaths." Adrian whispered softly
Vince didn't immediately do as what she said and kept his eyes shut, trembling as Adrian continued.
"Hey, it's alright, just keep breathing. In and out. It's alright right.. No one here is gonna hurt you."
Slowly but surely, Vince begins to breathe through his nose, and then his mouth as he begins to relax slightly; enough that he lowers his hands from his face and opens his eyes.
He looks around him briefly, there's Adrian and Mikayla standing around him, with one of them, crouching down beside him, face laced with concern.
His eyes went wide a bit as he registered who had been comforting him as he slowly got up to run to her.
Vince wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. Adrian looked a bit shocked as Vince was trembling.
"Hey... it's alright.. you had a's not real baby." Adrian said after a while, gently brushing her fingers through Vince's hair.
"I'm gonna take you home."
Vince just nodded as they gently led him away from the school and back towards where they had parked. He opened the back door and climbed inside, putting his seatbelt on as Adrian climbed in the driver's side of Vince's car.
She knew he was having nightmares, but the hallucinations were new.
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