Vince Schneider was actually alive and faked his death in scream 2022, making him the true accomplice to Amber Freeman and he gets kidnapped during the third act and wakes up bound and gagged.
Gale Weathers hatched revenge against Vince after he killed Dewey.
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Vince slowly woke in a dark room, pain hit him like a truck as he tries to wipe at his face but his wrists were bound. "The fuck is this?" He mumbled quietly, it was almost inaudible. Squinting his eyes, he struggled to move his bound wrists. "What the fuck!?" Vince now spoke a little more coherently. Yet his tone was laced with uncertainty and fear. He stopped struggling and stood there, his eyes flickering around examining the surroundings. "Who's there!?" Vince yelled, attempting to move his wrists, thinking whomever this was definitely was way more crazy than he was. Furrowing his brows, nobody came towards the room and Vince began to struggle. "Who the fuck are you? Huh?! Let me go asshole!" Vince roared out, twisting and kicking his legs that were bound. He looked around the darkened room and tries to calm his nerves until a television screen came up and he saw security footage of him murdering Dewey Riley. He watched as Dewey's corpses fell from Vince's arms. "I was radicalized!" Vince roared out, twisting and thrashing against his binds until the binds loosened and Vince collapsed to the floor with a thud.
Slowly, Vince recovers, lifting himself up to his feet until he was grabbed from behind and he began to struggle again, until a rag covered his mouth and Vince screamed, letting out a yell as he struggled against whomever had him and he screamed even louder but it was muffled from the rag the drug began to overwhelm his senses and he went slack in there arms.
Gale grabbed Vince, tying him up with her tape and she had him pinned down as she sprayed him with water as he jolted awake and started squirming and tugging against his binds until he screamed as his finger was bent. "Ow!" Vince yelled out as he panted heavily, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.
She forced the most meanest smile she could muster as Vince lowered his gaze but she bent back another finger and Vince screamed. "I'm surprised you haven't gone mad." She forced another smile once she broke another finger, eyes filled with clear amusement as screams were music to her ears. "How does it feel to be here? Regret the stupid choices you made yet?" She continued to spat. She still remembered how proud he seemed that he had killed Dewey Riley, constantly bringing it up during his reveal, like he had some advantage over her.
"At least you will know suffering." She scoffed, a smile still plastered on her face, provoking him as he cried out in pain as she touched another finger causing him to cry out. "N-No," Vince pleaded as he screamed out as Gale broke the other finger she could never forgive this man and she was going to make him pay. "Do enlighten me, honey how are things holding up?" Gale hums out her reply as she tenderly stared at his pinkie causing Vince to scream even louder as he twists and squirmed.
"Please. Stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Im sorry about Dewey!" Vince sobbed out, pain tearing from his vocal cords as he cried out as Gale injected his throat with bleach that damaged his vocal cords. Vince tried to scream as she broke another finger.
She smiled as his scream was silent due to the bleach. Vince tugged despite his broken and blown up fingers he sobbed out as Gale broke another finger.
She broke all of his fingers leaving them blown out and broken. Gale did her own investigation on Ghostface's when she hadn't been called in for the morning show.
She sighed as Vince screamed as loud as he could until Gale grabbed the chloroform and Vince starts shaking his head wildly and kicking and screaming.
"No! Gale, please! No! I'm sorry!"
Gale slammed the cloth over Vince's mouth and nose causing him to scream through the cloth as he struggled and screamed until he was unconscious again.
A exhale escaped the ex reporter as she placed the cloth down and returned back to her computer to begin her research again. She knew Sam Carpenter was in the area.
Vince had woke up later and Gale mumbled before rolling her eyes as he had woke up fully and he started to panic again until she grabbed a knife out without a word and placed it against his throat. "If you scream again I will slit your throat."
Vince hesitated but he stayed quiet.
Gale removed the knife from his throat and Vince shakily looked at Gale, noticing how irritated she looked. He silently teared up as he was stuck here, pain lingering in his fingers as he looked up at Gale, tears rolling down his cheeks again.
"Sh," Gale whispered as Vince whimpered as he could hear voices coming and Gale knew someone was after her. She kept Vince as bait now. She knew the new Ghostface who don the mask was coming. "Gale," Vince nervously whimpered.
Gale used her foot and she kicked Vince off his chair. Vince shrieked in pain as the floor connected with his broken fingers. A shrill scream of agony escaped him as tears poured down his face. A shadow swooped by Vince who was struggling to get up.
Everything hurt as he moved.
A sob tore from his throat.
Ghostface tilted their head as they towered above Vince. Slicing into the ropes that kept his hands and ankles tied to the chair. Vince whimpered out until the figure rose the knife placing it aside before slamming their booted foot down on Vince's ankle. Vince screamed, throwing his head back as tears pouring down his face. Ghostface saw Vince's broken fingers, lolling its mask head to the side to inspect them before grabbing one of Gale's kitchen knives and slamming one down in Vince's hand as he screamed so loud his throat was raw.
Gale stayed hidden as she winced at Vince's screams, suddenly this wasn't fun anymore.
She flinched as Vince screamed again as another knife was rammed into Vince's other hand as he screamed.
The Ghostface circled Vince before giving one last look at his prey before he left Vince.
Gale immediately snuck out of her hiding spot and rushed over to Vince.
"Hold on, you're gonna be okay." Gale promised as Vince screamed out as she had yanked out one of the knives, blood spurted from the knife as Vince screamed.
"Shh." Gale whispered as she tried to soothe the man but he was traumatized and in pain.
She felt guilty for kidnapping him keeping him and torturing him. She was pretty sadistic for taking him and practically having a fake death certificate for him as if he's dead when he wasn't.
"I'm here." Gale whispered gently.
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