hostage (v.s.)

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Whilst killing him was Ghostface's goal but once it got out that Vince Schneider is Stu's nephew, his role in the sequel changed to another original character; Neil Prescott.


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Vince Schneider turned off the ignition, looking over at the wall. Unaware of his surroundings until it was too late. A shadow stood behind him, raising the glass bottle of unopened Jack Daniel's and smashed it against his head as the impact knocked Vince over, making him stumble as he lost his balance out of fright. His vision swarming, the feeling of unconsciousness stung as he fell backwards onto the concrete. The power he once had completely disappearing as Vince tried to drag himself along but failing miserably.

Vince let out a groan, fighting to stay conscious as his head lolled to the side on the ground as he could faintly hear footsteps behind him.

Ghostface crept along, the headlamps of the car
Illuminating her and her victim. She stepped closer;
peering down. the feeling of power rising in her chest, the high
she had been looking for, god if you knew how much she wants it. Taking her knife from her robes as she goes to raise it over her head but she pauses; peering closer to his body as she noticed how fast he was drifting in and out of consciousness.

She put her knife in her robes and grabbed Vince by his ankles and started dragging him into his car, laying him in the backseat of his own car. She drove him back to the Macher house, getting everything prepared since Richie hadn't really been on board with it until she had explained it better.

Vince began to stir by the time she pulled up to the house, a groan of pain tore his throat as he touched the back of his head and winced until he saw a shadow tower above him and his eyes fluttered close again and he barely put up a fight as Amber grabbed a cloth and wrapped his wrists behind his back. Vince was on his stomach as his arms were crossed but they had been tied. His fists clenched up as he slowly began to stir, fluttering his eyes open as his heart begins to hammer in his chest.

               He opened his mouth to speak until he felt a cloth muffling his words as his eyes widened as he starts to experimently tug at his binds, forcing out some words that are muffled by his gag, something like pleading coming from his distressed grunts as he kept thrashing and twisting.

Amber could hear his gagged words and she smiled as she was sitting on the edge of her parents bed as she had Vince on the mattress on his stomach. She grabbed her knife and slowly traced Vince's frame as he flinched, fists clenching behind his back as the knife lingered on his back.

He forced a distressed whimpered groan out as he thrashed against his binds again.

His entire body stiffened within moments, utterly frightened as he sees the girl from the bar pull off the cheap white mask. "Daw, you're not gonna die on my watch." Amber said, completely unfazed by his distressed grunts and his continued thrashing of the binds.

Just when Vince felt like he'd be remotely safe for the most part, he felt the girl grab his finger tenderly before snapping it as if it were a twig, Vince fucking screamed, head thrown back and eyes widening as the colossal pain ripping through his finger as he heard a snap of his bone. His legs kicked and rubbed against the silk sheets, which only made him look weaker.

Amber let out a cackle, obviously enjoying the sounds of his bones snapping like twigs underneath her boots. A muffled sob wrecked through Vince's throat as Amber grabbed another finger and broke it causing Vince to scream, but only a cry tore his muffled mouth. He starts violently shaking his head back and forth. Amber straddled him, still breaking his fingers despite him tied and gagged. She ignored his gagged cries of agony.

        "Fuuuuuuuuck. . . don't you love the sound of bones breaking? It's like music to my ears." Amber groaned out, hands reaching down to his and Vince screams again.

Vince sobbed again through his gag, tears trailing down the squished pillow, cheeks pressed against the soft pillow.

Amber scoffed softly at Vince's sobs, eyes peering down behind the mask and looking down at the others tears.

She crawled on over and towered over Vince's body, hand grabbing onto his hair and yanking him up off the mattress and downstairs, leading Vince into the kitchen where she had seen Sidney Prescott and Sam Carpenter, alongside a weakened Gale Weathers, still doubled over.

With a sob of defeat, Amber shoved him into the counter and he collapsed in a heap, snapping his eyes shut as he tries to drawn out the noise and the screams, he had no idea how much time had passed, it felt like hours, sometimes minutes maybe, but Vince wasn't entirely sure.

His fragile and humiliated ego was sprawled out.

     Vince felt a sob erupt from his throat again as a gun shot rang out, followed by another and another shot rang out followed by another and more intense one erupted and Vince screamed, thrashing against his binds.

  Until he heard a violent scream and then one last gunshot.

   Voices were heard, causing Vince to attempt to perk his head up as he tries to make as much noise as he possibly could.
Sam stood, watching her sister. She was really going to be okay and that was all thanks to her and Gale and Sidney Prescott.

     Vince screamed, as loud as he could squirming and yelling out as he hit the cabinets with his booted feet causing Sam to snap her her head over to the kitchen, scared and fearful that maybe Amber or Richie had came back for one last scare until she and Tara found Vince.

"Vince," Tara breathed, slight relief washing over as it was just him and not Amber or Richie.

The sisters rush over, crouching over to Vince.

Tara lifted him up to sit, Sam pulled the gag out of his mouth while asking if he was okay while cutting him
loose and Vince rests his head against her shoulder.

Word Count 1,065 words

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Word Count 1,065 words

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