red right hand (v.s.)

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Ghostface's original plan was to kill Vince Schneider and pin it on Samantha Carpenter but when Dewey Riley stumbled out of the bar, shifts change and someone else is killed.


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23- year old Vince Schneider stumbled out of the bar, stumbling behind the building as he begins to take a leak against the bricked wall, grumbling under his breath as he lifted his gaze up at the lamppost light that flickered on and off. His mind was beginning to fog up from the whiskey but he brought his mind back to the present until a shadow swooshed past him to hide behind Vince's car. With an angered huff, Vince had been finished his piss and he angrily stormed over to his car and climbed in, about to grab the door for his car until pain erupted in his hand as a knife was protruding through it and Vince screamed, until a boot came in contact with Vince's abdomen, knocking him out of his car and collapsing onto the concrete. Tiny and sharp shards of glass dug into his skin, leaving small red lines as Vince's body came into contact with them.
Once he made a full thud, he let out a blood curdling scream as the pain in his hand flourished and his eyes began to water. He could feel the burning pain in his hand, with a shaky hand he tries to use his uninjured hand to reach down to grab his phone from his pocket, but gulped when he felt his pockets empty.
Vince whipped his head up and saw the bar, reaching his arm forward and made an attempt to crawl towards his phone. He had almost made it to the bar before he felt pain pin his thighs to the concrete, he shakily gasped as his pained stomach pressed hard against the concrete and he lets out a cry of pain.

He tried to swing his arm and fight back against the killer behind him with one arm, but ghostface had different ideas.

The killer grabbed the knife from Vince's hand and yanked it out.
Vince screamed in pain, throwing his head back and eyes widening. His legs kicked and scraped against the concrete, screams escaped Vince as he managed to use his good leg and hand and he punched and kicked the figure, scrambling away and he had shakily hid underneath a truck.

Dragging himself underneath like his life depends on it.

   As Vince was underneath the truck he cradled his hand, holding it close as he curled up in a ball.

   Dewey Riley stumbled out of the bar into the pitched night.
"Fucking brat," he snarled, stumbling on over towards the same bricked wall that Vince had pissed against and he began to piss against the bricked wall, looking to his left—nothing. Heart pounding slightly in his ears, he looked to his right
—BOOM—! a white mask.

Dewey's eyes widened as a sharp knife plunged into his stomach. He screamed.

Vince flinched, snapping his eyes shut as he tries to hold in a whimper.

Ghostface pushed him up against Vince's car, knife still plunged into his stomach. Blood spurted from his lips, and tears stung his eyes as he looks over at the masked figure, stumbling.

He turned to attempt to stumble over to his car, losing his balance due to fright as he crashed to the concrete, looking over as he saw Vince hiding underneath his truck.

Dewey's eyes kept glancing at Vince's terrified blue ones, uselessly hoping this sacrifice would save Vince's life.

He debated his next move, blood soaked his flannel as he knew he wanted to go out like a hero that he was.

"Come and get me mother fucker!" Dewey yelled, pissing the killer off.

Ghostface pulled out its knife as he swung it, slicing into Dewey's stomach, slashing into the man, He screamed, more blood soaked the concrete as Vince watched with widen eyes as Dewey was being slashed and sliced up over and over again.

Tears dripped down to mix with blood on Dewey's face as he looked at Vince, a smile etched on his face.

The killer held the knife and slammed it into Dewey's head, twisting it as its lodged in Dewey's skull.

  Vince bit back a blood curdling scream, watching with horror as the killer had then brought the knife to Dewey's neck and slit his throat.

  The killer stepped back, admiring their work before standing up. "It's an honor", it said before they disappeared in the veil of night. Vince hesitated shakily before he shakily crawled out from underneath the truck and he could barely contain his guts as he doubled over—spewing puke onto the concrete.

His body trembled immediately, feeling a hand tap his shoulder and Vince turned around, face to face with a concerned bartender. "Vince? What the- oh, my god!" Sally Ann cried as she saw what was left of the retired ex sheriff.

"I-i found him like that." Vince stammered, more puke spewing out of his mouth as Sally Ann rushed over and started to rub Vince's trembling back as he called the police.


Gale Weathers cut through to get to the station, assuming Dewey had still worked especially nights, the desks seemed different but one she had walked in she saw a familiar face occupying Dewey's old desk.

"Where's Dewey, Judy." She mumbled, fighting the urge to roll her eyes at the blonde woman.

"Dewey retired, it's me now Gale."

Gale rolled her eyes, "I'm starting to get deja vu," she sarcastically replied until the man walks in.

"Sheriff, we have a body in Maine.. another attack at the bar, Vince Schneider is a victim and a witness to a murder, he's in shock but alive, one of the deputies is getting him here now."

   "Haven't you heard?" A deputy replied, a lighter much tense tone in the conversation.

"Heard what? What happened?" Gale questioned, holding onto her coffee cup she took and started to make coffee.

"Dewey was the body on Maine.." the deputy said, sounding very uncomfortable.

"Dewey, as in Dwight Riley?" Gale checked, more concerned.

Judy's highest deputy nodded and that's when Gale's world crumbled.

She dropped the cup of coffee, crumbling to the floor until the doors were opened and Vince was guided in.

    "What happened!" Gale sobbed, going to grab Vince by his collar of his shirt.

Vince flinched away, attempting to pull away as he had a gauze and a wrapped bandage  on his hand as he was held into a holding center to keep him safe because whomever was out there was after him.

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