Gale Weathers Uses Vince to get started on a book that she planned on working on.
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Gale Weathers liked to consider herself a mastermind of all sorts. She always knew who to interview for the right information, who to listen to, and where to gain her source. That being said, tonight was definitely the perfect opportunity for a new book starring her new focus that she had recently looked up on the web which showed that sources say Stu Macher had an older sister, Leslie Macher who has a son just outside Woodsboro. Vince Schneider. A twenty-two year old, greasy slicked alcoholic with distasteful tattoos. She had to admit that he wasn't bad looking at all, but arrogant by all means necessary, But Gale was striking ideas left and right and center over this particular nut. The nephew of Stu Macher living in Woodsboro, this is perfect."
The reporter couldn't help but chuckle with excitement at the thought of this new book sale coming after she'd have spent quality time with vince schneider as she went out of her way to Woodsboro to track this creep show down. She skimmed the bar until she saw a leering 22-year-old man leaning against a pool table sucking the happiness right out of the group of people.
"Yo, Liv." Gale heard the man drawl out and that's when she clicked on her camera tucked into her red suit. Getting in the middle of Vince and Chad. "I'll pay for your drinks if you give me something I want." she says while batting her lashes at Vince's direction that didn't go unnoticed by the man but he decided not to engage with her as he wanted to get what he wanted first.
"Fuck off," Liv snapped back.
"Aw, don't be like that sweetheart."
Chad gets even more defensive which Gale enjoyed. "Listen up, Uglier Michael Myers," He snapped. "It was a summer fling, man. It meant nothing to her."
"I'm sorry, was I talking to you?"
"There's no one here uglier than you, so what do you think?"
Vince was about to pull out his switchblade until Gale grabbed vince by his wrist, and led him away from the pool table so she could get her awaited interview with Vince.
She directed him to the opposite direction of the pool tables and she bought him several rounds of shots. "The fuck you want lady?" he grumbled as he downed his shot of whiskey and goes for the second one to down it. "What's it like being the nephew of Stu Macher?" she fake frowned, she was smirking on the inside as she knew she'd go viral—until again the slicked greaser grew distracted and wasn't interested in this interview, peeking over Gale's shoulder; "The fuck?" Says Vince as he didn't hesitate to start to get up until Gale grabs his wrist again.
"Hey," she sternly says as Vince's gaze finally met hers as he snapped his head up in annoyance. "Don't touch me,"